NNDSS eSHARE is a webinar series designed to better train and educate public health jurisdictions on how to implement NNDSS HL7 case notifications and other HL7 efforts. The series provides a forum to discuss lessons learned during the HL7 case notification implementation process and an interactive discussion session for participants.

eSHARE Event Details
What: Overview of the Legionellosis MMG and a Walk-through of the NNDSS Addendum
When: October 15, 3:00–4:00 PM ET
Where: To join the webinar, please see your Outlook invitation or contact the CDC Electronic Data Exchange mailbox at edx@cdc.gov for login information.


Please note: archives are available for historical records and transparency; older materials may have some outdated information.

August 27, 2024:
Introduction to Minimal Data Necessary (MDN)
July 16, 2024:
Updates and Highlights: 2023 Annual Reconciliation and the 2024 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Annual Conference
June 18, 2024:
Updates on the 2023 Annual Reconciliation and an Overview of the Carbon Monoxide Message Mapping Guide (MMG)
May 21, 2024:
Guidance for the 2023 Annual Reconciliation and an Overview of Measles Message Mapping Guide (MMG)
April 16, 2024:
Future State Advancing Data for Public Health Action
March 19, 2024:
Lifting the MMG Onboarding Pause
February 20, 2024:
Case Service Design (CSD) and Sharing NNDSS Power BI Reports with Jurisdictions
January 16, 2024:
What States Need to Know for 2024
December 12, 2023:
Jurisdictions’ Feedback: 2022 Reconciliation – Overview, Lessons Learned, & Improvements
October 17, 2023:
Refresher: NNDSS Message Mapping Guide (MMG) Onboarding Process
August 22, 2023:
State Panel: Building Blocks for the Data Modernization Initiative
July 18, 2023:
Highlights from 2023 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Annual Conference
June 20, 2023:
CDC’s Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology: Updates on Case Surveillance Modernization
May 25, 2023:
eSHARE special session: “Reconciliation and finalization of 2022 NNDSS mpox annual data”
May 16, 2023:
Kick-off for reconciliation and finalization of 2022 NNDSS, COVID-19, and mpox annual data
April 18, 2023:
The NIOCCS Tool: Automated Coding of Occupational Health Data
February 21, 2023:
Case surveillance data standardization
January 17, 2023:
What jurisdictions need to know for 2023
November 15, 2022:
NNDSS event code updates for 2023, emergency response case data elements, and implementation updates for CDC case surveillance enhancements
October 25, 2022:
eSHARE special session: “What you need to know about NNDSS and the Mpox Response.”
October 18, 2022:
Updates on COVID-19 surveillance cadence, information about new features for the annual NNDSS data tables on CDC WONDER, and CDC enhancements to case surveillance
August 16, 2022:
Kick-off eSHARE webinar for annual reconciliation of 2021 NNDSS data and NNDSS collection of final, aggregate 2021 COVID-19 case counts
July 26, 2022:
eSHARE special session: “Provide Your Jurisdiction’s Feedback: Draft Brucellosis, Leptospirosis, and Hansen’s Disease Message Mapping Guides.”
July 19, 2022:
Highlights from the 2022 CSTE Conference
June 28, 2022:
eSHARE special session: “Modernizing the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) Base System (NBS)”
May 17, 2022:
Provide Your Jurisdiction’s Feedback: The Hepatitis Message Mapping Guide v2.0
April 19, 2022:
Data Data Everywhere:  Jurisdictions Views for Data Quality and Cleaning
February 15, 2022:
Linking to Immunization Data? Where are We Now?
January 19, 2022:
What States Need to Know for 2022
November 16, 2021:
Planning Ahead to 2022: Message Mapping Guide (MMG) Roundup
October 19, 2021:
What States Need to Know — Implementing the New NNDSS Malaria, Babesiosis, and Trichinellosis HL7 Case Notification Messages
September 21, 2021:
Improvements to the HL7 Message Mapping Guide Onboarding Process
August 24, 2021:
Kick-off eSHARE webinar for annual reconciliation of 2020 NNDSS data and NNDSS collection of final aggregate 2020 coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) case counts
August 10, 2021:
Training on New MVPS Data Processing and Enhancements
July 20, 2021:
CSTE 2021 Virtual Conference Highlights
May 18, 2021:
Introduction to the new NNDSS website and other related updates
March 16, 2021:
Updates: Implementing STD and Congenital Syphilis HL7 Case Notification Messages and Obtaining SAMS Access for MVPS Dashboard Data Managers and Users
February 23, 2021:
NNDSS Data Processing Redesign and Hot Topic: Vaccine History in Case Notifications
January 19, 2021:
State Panelist Discussion – Part 2: Using Immunization Information Systems (IIS) to Enhance Disease Surveillance and Investigations During the Response
December 15, 2020:
Using Immunization Information Systems to Enhance Disease Surveillance and Investigations During the Response
November 17, 2020:
State Panelist Discussion: Using Innovative Methods to Enhance Data Collection and Reporting During the Response
September 15, 2020:
Sending Healthcare Worker Status in Gen V2 COVID-19 Case Notifications and Clarifying Expectations for the ELC C2: Data Modernization Initiative (DMI) Assessment and Plan
August 18, 2020:
Core data for COVID-19 case notifications and a walkthrough of the new Message Validation, Processing, and Provisioning System (MVPS) dashboard
July 28, 2020:
Discussion on Challenges with 2019 NNDSS Data Reconciliation
June 23, 2020:
NNDSS HL7 COVID-19 Case Notification Message
May 19, 2020:
Laboratory Reporting Updates
April 21, 2020:
NNDSS Support of COVID-19 Response and Update on 2019 NNDSS Data Reconciliation Process
March 17, 2020:
NNDSS Data Reconciliation Process for 2020 and Changes to Secure Access Management Service (SAMS)
February 18, 2020:
Sending 2019 Novel Coronavirus Case Data to NNDSS
January 21, 2020:
What States Need to Know—Changes from CSTE Position Statements and Implications for Sending Case Notifications
December 17, 2019:
What States Need to Know—Implementing the New NNDSS Respiratory and Invasive Bacterial Disease HL7 Case Notification Message
November 19, 2019:
A Jurisdiction’s Approach to Implementing HL7 Case Notification Messages
October 17, 2019:
Overview of the New NNDSS Lyme and TBRD HL7 Case Notification Messages
August 20, 2019:
What States Need to Know—Implementing the New Tuberculosis and Latent Tuberculosis Infection HL7 Case Notification Message
July 16, 2019:
NNDSS-related Highlights from the 2019 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Meeting
May 21, 2019:
What States Need to Know—Implementing the New NNDSS Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases HL7 Case Notification Messages
March 19, 2019:
Regular eSHARE Session: NNDSS Data Reconciliation Process for 2019 and Walkthrough of MVPS Dashboard Case Count View
March 4, 2019:
Special eSHARE Session: Guidance and Resources for Implementing Arboviral v1.3 HL7 Case Notification Messages
February 19, 2019:
Introducing Cohorts
a New Efficient Approach to HL7 Case Notification Technical Assistance
January 15, 2019:
What States Need to Know—Changes from CSTE Position Statements and Implications for Sending Case Notifications
November 27, 2018:
Preparing to Send NNDSS HL7 Case Notifications in 2019
October 16, 2018:
STD and Congenital Syphilis HL7 Case Notification Messages Refresher, MVPS Dashboard Enhancements, and Implementation Spreadsheet Updates
September 18, 2018:
NNDSS-related Highlights from the Public Health Informatics Conference
August 28, 2018:
Overview of Mumps, Pertussis, and Varicella NNDSS HL7 Case Notification Messages
July 17, 2018:
NNDSS-related Highlights from the 2018 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Meeting
May 15, 2018:
Lab Template Overview
March 20, 2018:
Message Validation, Processing, and Provisioning System Updates and Dashboard Demo
February 20, 2018:
Walkthrough of New STD and Congenital Syphilis Case Notification Messages and Onboarding Process
January 16, 2018:
Preparing for Sending NNDSS HL7 Case Notifications in 2018
November 21, 2017:
NNDSS Data Transition
October 17, 2017:
Panel Presentation: Tips from States on Arboviral v1.3 Implementation and Onboarding
August 15, 2017:
Panel Presentation: Tips from States Who Have Completed NMI Implementation and Onboarding
July 18, 2017:
Capturing Industry and Occupation Surveillance Data
June 20, 2017:
NNDSS-related Highlights from the 2017 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Meeting
May 16, 2017:
NNDSS Modernization Initiative (NMI): Update on and Recent Lessons Learned from NMI Onboarding
April 18, 2017:
Update on Arboviral v1.3 Implementation and Onboarding Process
March 21, 2017:
Walkthrough of the NMI Implementation Spreadsheet
NOTE: Please note that Slide 17 has been corrected from the original slides presented. The note in the yellow “PHA notes on Mappings” column has been changed to say “Not collected for Perinatal Hep B.” This correction could not be made to the webinar recording, which has the material as originally presented.
February 21, 2017:
Implementation Preparation 101
January 17, 2017:
Lessons Learned from NMI Onboarding of Pilot States
November 17, 2016:
NMI Implementation and Onboarding Process
October 20, 2016:
Arboviral v1.3 Case Notification Implementation
September 15, 2016:
CDC Surveillance Data Platform
August 18, 2016:
2016 CSTE Annual Meeting Highlights Related to NNDSS
June 16, 2016:
Roundtable: Jurisdictions’ Experience in Preparing for HL7 Case Notification Implementation
May 19, 2016:
Message Validation, Processing, and Provisioning System (MVPS)-related Training (MVPS Dashboard, Message Evaluation and Testing Service, SAMS)
Update on Implementation of Arboviral v1.3 Case Notification
April 21, 2016:
Overview of NMI Jurisdiction Onboarding Process
April 14, 2016:
Overview of Arboviral Version 1.3 Message Mapping Guide
March 17, 2016:
Overview of NMI Implementation and Technical Assistance Tools
March 3, 2016:
Special eSHARE Session on Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) Vocabulary for Zika, Chikungunya, and Dengue
February 18, 2016:
Overview of the NMI Technical Assistance Process
January 21, 2016:
Changes to Pilot Test-Ready HL7 Message Mapping Guides

What does NNDSS eSHARE stand for?

NNDSS eSHARE stands for:

NNDSS – National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System
e – electronic
S – State
H – HL7 Implementation
A – to Achieve
R – Resource
E – Exchange.

When will NNDSS eSHARE occur?

NNDSS eSHARE is scheduled to occur on the third Tuesday of the month at 3:00 PM EST.

What topics will NNDSS eSHARE cover?

Topics will cover how to implement NNDSS HL7 case notifications and other HL7 efforts and will be announced throughout the year. Prior to each month’s webinar, CDC will provide the agenda and more details about the topic so that public health jurisdictions can plan for who should attend from their organization. Each month’s topic will include the appropriate CDC program staff to enhance the discussion and provide clarification around the topic.

What is the NNDSS eSHARE Seminar Series?

In addition to the monthly calls, NNDSS eSHARE also will include an eSHARE seminar series. eSHARE seminars will discuss in-depth topics of interest to the group, such as electronic case reporting, as they arise.

How do public health jurisdictions sign up and provide feedback?

Please send a request to be added to the distribution list and ideas and comments about NNDSS eSHARE to the edx@cdc.gov e-mail address. We welcome input on topics to cover in the NNDSS eSHARE webinar series and in the eSHARE seminar series.