All facilities that have recently joined NHSN do have to complete a survey upon enrollment. However, if your facility was not operational during the prior calendar year, you will indicate this during your enrollment process. Then, you will be prompted to complete only select questions from the annual survey. The questions that are unable to be answered at the time of enrollment will be grayed out. At the start of the calendar year following when a facility has enrolled in NHSN, they will have to complete the same annual survey, but will have to complete all the questions.
If NOT operational in the prior year:
If your facility was not operational during the prior calendar year, and this was indicated during the enrollment process, then, the facility will be prompted to complete only select questions from the annual survey. The questions that are unable to be answered at the time of enrollment will be grayed out. At the start of the calendar year following when a facility enrolled in NHSN, they will have to complete the same annual survey, but will have to complete all the questions. For example, if your facility enrolled in NHSN during 2020, but was not operational in 2019, you will complete a shortened version of the 2020 PSC annual survey containing basic facility characteristic questions. In the next calendar year, 2021, you will have to complete the entire 2020 PSC annual survey with information from 2020.
If operational in the prior year:
If your facility was operational during the prior calendar year, and this was indicated during enrollment, then the facility will be prompted to complete a full annual survey. For example, if your facility enrolled during 2020 and was operational for 2019, then you will complete a full version of the 2019 PSC annual survey; all questions will be required.