Physical activity
Physical Activity Builds a Healthy and Strong America
Physical activity benefits everyone today and in the future.
Obesity and physical inactivity are impacting national security and military readiness.
Health benefits
Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Children
Eight benefits of physical activity for children.
Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Adults
Nine important immediate and long-term health benefits of physical activity for adults.
Physical Activity Benefits for Adults 65 or Older
Ten important immediate and long-term benefits of physical activity for adults 65 and older.
Regular physical activity lowers your risk of eight common cancers.
Active People, Healthy NationSM
Active People, Healthy Nation Fact Sheet
Overview of CDC's initiative for 27 million Americans to become more physically active.
Active People, Healthy Nation℠ At a Glance
Costs of being inactive and the benefits of physical activity for all individuals and communities.