A strength is an element of the curriculum that closely meets all of the HECAT criteria and is typically scored a “3” or “4” in the analysis review because it allows opportunities for practice and reinforcement. For example, the curriculum thoroughly and effectively teaches students the process of goal setting.
A weakness is an element of the curriculum that does not closely match the HECAT criteria and typically receives a score of “2” or less. For example, the teacher talks about the skill of goal setting, but students don’t have opportunities to practice the skill.
An omission is an element of the curriculum that is missing based on the HECAT criteria. For example, opportunities for students to practice encouraging their peers to postpone intercourse are not included.
An extra is an element of the curriculum that is additional to what is outlined in the HECAT criteria. For example, the curriculum includes detailed information on the different drugs an HIV-infected individual might be prescribed.