Youth Advisory Councils Action Plans

At a glance

  • Action plans guide the work of Youth Advisory Councils (YACs).
  • Action plans are a critical step for YACs as they prioritize needs and develop solutions.
  • Action plans identify the issues to address, goals to achieve, and steps to reach those goals.


An adult moderator with seated high school students gathered around a student standing and speaking to them.
Youth Advisory Councils work to improve the lives of young people in a school district.

One example of the work of a Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is developing a sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing campaign. To create an STI campaign, the YAC would engage the entire school community.

YACs also may recommend new school policies, or improvements to existing policies. Young people often have innovative ideas for creating change. An action plan helps turn those ideas into reality.

Action plans engage YAC members and ensure that activities are having the desired effects. If you do not know where to start, the SMART framework can help guide you. Your YAC can use the sample action plan as a template when creating your specific action plan.

Developing action plans