Sample Social Media for Health Care Providers

Key points

Help spread the Think. Test. Treat TB message on X, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Use #ThinkTestTreatTB to join the conversation.

A health care provider sits at a desk across from a patient. The text reads "Do you know if your patients are at risk for latent TB infection?"

Follow CDC TB on social media

You can also watch YouTube video content on CDC's tuberculosis (TB) playlist.

X Posts

A health care provider looks at TB information on a computer screen. The text reads "CDC's toolkit has materials to help you prevent TB."
Help prevent TB in your community. Open the conversation, protect your patients, and test for TB.

Suggested Text: Up to 13 million people are living with latent TB infection in the U.S. and if left untreated, 1 in 10 of those will develop active TB disease in the future. Learn how to protect your community today. [] #ThinkTestTreatTB

A patient walks out of a door. The text reads "Don't let patients walk out of your clinic with latent TB infection."
Talk to your patients today about TB testing and treatment options.

Suggested Text: If you're a health care provider, talk to your patients about the risk factors of latent TB infection. [] #ThinkTestTreatTB

A male doctor is shown with text "13M people in the U.S. have latent TB infection. Prevent TB in your community."
Talk to your patients about the risk factors of latent TB infection.

Suggested Text: Health care providers: help reduce the risk of tuberculosis in your community. Open the conversation, protect your patients, and test for tuberculosis. [] #ThinkTestTreatTB

A crowd of people is shown. Text says "Without treatment, 1 in 10 people with latent TB infection will develop TB disease."
Up to 13 million people are living with latent TB infection in the U.S.

Suggested Text: Health care providers: prevent TB disease! Open the conversation, protect your patients, and test for TB. Help reduce the risk of TB in your community. [] #ThinkTestTreatTB

A crowd of people is shown. Text says "Think about protecting your community, test for latent TB infection, and treat active TB disease."
Up to 13 million people are living with latent TB infection in the U.S.

Suggested Text: Health care providers: testing and treating latent tuberculosis infection is a critical step to eliminating TB disease across America. Start in your office – talk to your patients about testing for TB today. [] #ThinkTestTreatTB

A female doctor is shown. The text reads "Start the conversation about TB testing in your office. Prevent TB in your community."
Health care providers: help reduce the risk of tuberculosis in your community.

Suggested Text: As a health care provider, you play an important role in protecting your patients from tuberculosis. Talk with them today about TB testing and treatment options. [] #ThinkTestTreatTB

A male doctor is shown. The text reads "Start the conversation about TB testing in your office. Prevent TB in your community."
Health care providers: help reduce the risk of tuberculosis in your community.

Suggested Text: As a health care provider, you play an important role in protecting your patients from tuberculosis. Talk with them today about TB testing and treatment options. [] #ThinkTestTreatTB

A crowd of people is shown. Text says "13M people in the U.S. have latent TB infection and many don't know it."
As a healthcare provider, you play an important role in protecting your patients from tuberculosis.

Suggested Text: Latent tuberculosis infection can develop into active TB disease at any time. Health care providers can prevent the spread of TB by talking to patients about testing and treatment options. [] #ThinkTestTreatTB

Facebook Posts

A blue background has white letters that show the word "Tuberculosis" fading into view over the words "Hides in Plain Sight."
Help prevent TB in your community. Open the conversation, protect your patients, and test for TB.

Suggested Text: Up to 13 million people are living with latent TB infection in the U.S. and if left untreated, 1 in 10 of those will develop active TB disease in the future. Learn how to protect your community today. []

A patient walks out of a door. The text reads "Don't let patients walk out of your clinic with latent TB infection."
Talk to your patients today about TB testing and treatment options.

Suggested Text: If you're a health care provider, talk to your patients about the risk factors of latent TB infection. []

A female doctor is shown. The text reads "Start the conversation about TB testing in your office. Prevent TB in your community."
Health care providers: help reduce the risk of tuberculosis in your community.

Suggested Text: As a health care provider, you play a critical role in reducing the spread of tuberculosis in the U.S. and your community. Protect your patients. []

A male doctor is shown. The text reads "Start the conversation about TB testing in your office. Prevent TB in your community."
Health care providers: help reduce the risk of tuberculosis in your community.

Suggested Text: As a health care provider, you play an important role in protecting your patients from tuberculosis. Talk with them today about TB testing and treatment options. []

A crowd of people is shown. Text says "Without treatment, 1 in 10 people with latent TB infection will develop TB disease."
Up to 13 million people are living with latent TB infection in the U.S.

Suggested Text: As a health care provider, you play an important role in protecting your patients from tuberculosis. Talk with them today about TB testing and treatment options. []

Instagram Posts

A crowd of people is shown. Text says "Without treatment, 1 in 10 people with latent TB infection will develop TB disease."
Up to 13 million people are living with latent TB infection in the U.S.

Suggested Text: As a health care provider, you play an important role in protecting your patients from tuberculosis. Talk with them today about TB testing and treatment options. []

A female doctor is shown. The text reads "Start the conversation about TB testing in your office. Prevent TB in your community."
Health care providers: help reduce the risk of tuberculosis in your community.

Suggested Text: As a health care provider, you play an important role in protecting your patients from tuberculosis. Talk with them today about TB testing and treatment options. []

A male doctor is shown. The text reads "Start the conversation about TB testing in your office. Prevent TB in your community."
Health care providers: help reduce the risk of tuberculosis in your community.

Suggested Text: As a health care provider, you play an important role in protecting your patients from tuberculosis. Talk with them today about TB testing and treatment options. []

LinkedIn Posts

Up to 13 million people are living with latent TB infection in the U.S. and if left untreated, 1 in 10 of those will develop active TB disease in the future. Learn how to protect your community today.
Help prevent TB in your community. Open the conversation, protect your patients, and test for TB.

Suggested Text: Up to 13 million people are living with latent TB infection in the U.S. and if left untreated, 1 in 10 of those will develop active TB disease in the future. Learn how to protect your community today. []

A patient walks out of a door. The text reads "Don't let patients walk out of your clinic with latent TB infection."
Talk to your patients today about TB testing and treatment options.

Suggested Text: If you're a health care provider, talk to your patients about the risk factors of latent TB infection. []

Male health care provider is shown with the text "13 Million People in the U.S. Have Latent TB Infection and Many Don't Know It. Prevent TB in Your Community."
Up to 13 million people are living with latent TB infection in the U.S.

Suggested Text: As a health care provider, you play an important role in protecting your patients from tuberculosis. Talk with them today about TB testing and treatment options. []

A crowd of people is shown. Text says "Without treatment, 1 in 10 people with latent TB infection will develop TB disease."
Talk to your patients about the risk factors of latent TB infection.

Suggested Text: Health care providers: you can prevent tuberculosis! Open the conversation, protect your patients, and test for TB. Help reduce the risk of TB in your community. []

Additional social media resources