
people working together
Working Together in New Ways

We count on the knowledge and experiences of our partners from across the public health ecosystem to help us identify current challenges and future solutions as we continue and expand our data modernization efforts.

Data modernization has given us the chance to partner in different and better ways than before. The work we do together depends on input from everyone.

Who Do We Work With?

The data modernization process relies heavily on participation and feedback from the kinds of partner groups listed below.

  • Federal Agencies
  • State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial (STLT) Health Departments
  • Organizations
  • Global
  • Academics
  • Private Sector
  • Interested members of the public
Informed, Engaged, Empowered Partners

Our intent is to connect CDC, public health at all levels, and partners from all sectors, keeping them informed, engaged, and empowered to take action on data modernization activities happening throughout CDC and across public health.

We are using principles of iterative development​​​​​​​ and human-centered design to make sure we fully understand the problems and preferences of users when developing new products, processes, and services through data modernization activities.

Data modernization is FOR everyone and requires input FROM everyone.

Partnership in Action: Making Public Health Data Work Better

The efforts around the technologies and processes being used to modernize our nation’s public health data systems are led by CDC and the Office of the National Coordinator for Public Health Information Technology (ONC), and reflect the collective contributions of thought leaders from health departments, federal agencies, national public health associations, healthcare technology vendors, and the healthcare industry.