Data and Statistics for SUID and SIDS


Find links to sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) data by cause of death, trends in SUID, SUID rates by state, and SUID rates by race and ethnicity. In addition, learn facts about SUID data resources and tools.

Fast facts

Sudden unexpected infant deaths include:

  • Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
  • Unknown cause.
  • Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed.

These deaths occur among infants aged younger than 1 year and have no immediately obvious cause.

In 2022, there were about 3,700 sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) in the United States. There were:

  • 1,529 deaths from SIDS.
  • 1,131 deaths from unknown causes.
  • 1,040 deaths from accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed.

Data resources for SUID and SIDS

Public-use data files are available from the National Center for Health Statistics. Mortality reports are also available.

Available datasets include:

  • Birth data files.
  • Period linked birth-infant death data files.
  • Birth cohort linked birth-infant death data files.
  • Mortality multiple cause data files.

Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System has data on infant sleep practices.

Data access tools

These online data analysis tools allow users to access and examine vital statistics and other population data interactively:

CDC Wonder (wide-ranging online data for epidemiologic research)
Allows users to query National Center for Health Statistics birth and death data.

WISQARS (web-based injury statistics query and reporting system)
Allows users to access and examine injury-related data to generate customized reports.