TEST POD Rulebook

At a glance

This rulebook provides instructions on setup and gameplay for This is a TEST POD Edition (TEST POD). The video provides instructions and walks through the first round of gameplay.

Format: PDF
Page count: 30
Language: English (US)
Size: 3 MB

Learning to Play

Helpful Tip‎

Watch the playthrough video before reading these rules or other game content.


This rulebook is for the training and exercise simulation tool for points of dispensing (TEST POD) and mass vaccination sites.

Rulebook includes:

  • General game concepts
  • Setup
  • Gameplay
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Participant Requirements

  • 3-7 players/partner agencies (who do not need to have POD experience)
  • Facilitator or someone who feels comfortable explaining the rules

Playthrough Video

Watch this playthrough video to see how to set up and play TEST POD.