Emergency Preparedness Field Staff

At a glance

CDC’s Division of State and Local Readiness (DSLR) is committed to supporting PHEP jurisdictions and preparedness program operations by providing trained public health preparedness staff. Learn more about CDC's Emergency Preparedness Field Staff.

Emergency Preparedness Field Staff

Career Epidemiology Field Officers (CEFOs)

CEFOs are CDC epidemiologists with experience in surveillance, epidemiology, preparedness, research, training, and policy development. Their mission is to strengthen state, tribal, local, and territorial epidemiology capacity for public health preparedness and response.

Preparedness Field Assignees (PFAs)

PFAs are CDC employees that serve as embedded staff in state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments to build and strengthen capability to prepare for and respond to public health emergencies.

Learn more about the Preparedness Field Assignee Program.