Emergency Preparedness Funding

At a glance

CDC provides funding and technical assistance to build public health preparedness and response capabilities nationwide.


CDC's Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreement provides funding to 50 states, 4 cities, and 8 U.S. territories and freely associated states.

Hover over the state, city, or territory on the map to view the PHEP Budget Period 1 (Fiscal Year 2024) Funding information.

For additional information, click on a jurisdiction. Each jurisdiction's page includes:

  • Jurisdiction-specific information, including Top 5 Capability Investments, PHEP-funded Staff, and Common Threats.
  • Local Stories provides links to local preparedness stories.

Our Funding

The Office of Readiness and Response receives approximately $850 million in annual funding from Congress to build and strengthen national preparedness for public health emergencies including natural, biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear incidents. This funding supports a range of activities at CDC and state, local, and territorial public health departments.