DPDM Features

At a glance

The Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria recognizes several awareness days including World Malaria Day, World NTD Day, World Mosquito Day, and World Chagas Day. Promotional activities vary from feature articles, Dear Colleague letters, and social media posts.


2024 Features

World Mosquito Day - Mosquito Research in Colombia Provides Valuable Insight into Effectiveness of Malaria Control Tools

Local staff member Esther Montaño
This World Mosquito Day, CDC wanted to highlight its partnership with the Government of Colombia to study two of these tools—insecticide-treated nets and indoor residual spraying. This uncovered surprising insights into local mosquito behavior which is paving the way for additional research into other malaria prevention tools.

World Malaria Day 2024 - Leading with Malaria Control Innovation in Mind

World Malaria Day 2024
Every April 25, CDC joins the global community to highlight malaria, a serious parasitic disease spread to humans by a certain type of mosquito, Anopheles.

World NTD Day 2024 - Unite. Act. Eliminate.

Students wait in line to be registered for an integrated LF/STH pre-TAS in Borgne Commune, Haiti.
Students wait in line to be registered for an integrated LF/STH pre-TAS in Borgne Commune, Haiti.

2023 Features

World Mosquito Day 2023: Joining Forces in the Global Fight Against Malaria

Anopheles stephensi taking a blood meal.
CDC works hard to raise awareness of the dangers of mosquito-borne diseases. We also remain committed in the fight against the world’s deadliest creature—domestically and internationally.