NoroSTAT Surveillance Network

Key points

  • NoroSTAT is a network of state health departments that work with CDC to provide near real-time reporting and monitoring of norovirus outbreak activity.
  • The data are used to track current norovirus activity, better understand outbreaks, and make recommendations to prevent future outbreaks.

About NoroSTAT

NoroSTAT focuses on:‎

Outbreaks of norovirus, the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis and foodborne illness in the United States.

CDC established the Norovirus Sentinel Testing and Tracking (NoroSTAT) network in August 2012. NoroSTAT is a collaborative network of 14 state health departments that work with CDC. Together, they improve timeliness, completeness, and consistency of norovirus outbreak reporting to CDC's National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS) and CaliciNet.

This allows CDC and state health departments to quickly:

  • Evaluate current outbreak activity.
  • Make comparisons to previous years.
  • Assess strain-specific norovirus outbreak characteristics, including the impact of new strains on outbreak frequency and severity.

NoroSTAT also enhances communication among epidemiologists and laboratorians in state health departments and CDC. This enables timely exchange of information regarding norovirus outbreak surveillance.

NoroSTAT data and reporting

Data are reported by state health departments that participate in NoroSTAT. During the reporting process they:

  • Report preliminary epidemiologic data to CDC through NORS within 7 business days of receiving notification of suspected or confirmed norovirus outbreaks.
  • Report laboratory data to CDC through CaliciNet within 7 business days of receiving specimens.
  • Provide data elements, such as the outbreak setting and transmission mode.
  • Use consistent identification codes for each outbreak in their reports to help CDC and others link and integrate data from NORS and CaliciNet.

Types of data reported

State health departments report the following preliminary information:

  • Epidemiologic data. This includes outbreak onset date, primary transmission mode, total number of people sick, outbreak setting, and whether norovirus is the suspected or confirmed cause. They report these data to NORS within 7 business days of receiving notification of suspected or confirmed norovirus outbreaks.
  • Genetic sequences of norovirus strains. They report this to CaliciNet within 7 business days of receiving outbreak-associated specimens.

After their initial report, state health departments often submit additional epidemiologic data through NORS as these data become available. These can include patient demographics, symptoms, and clinical outcomes.

Keep Reading: NoroSTAT Data

Participating state health departments

The health departments in the following 14 states participate in NoroSTAT. They demonstrate consistent surveillance practices and high norovirus outbreak reporting rates through the National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS) and CaliciNet:

  • Alabama
  • Colorado
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Nebraska
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Virginia
  • Wisconsin

Access to NORS and CaliciNet data

NORS data

A limited set of data on all outbreaks submitted to CDC through NORS, including those caused by norovirus, can be viewed and downloaded using the NORS View on the BEAM Dashboard. Those interested in additional NORS data can submit a NORS data request; however, CDC generally does not distribute any information about specific people or facilities involved in outbreaks.

CaliciNet data

Only CDC and state and local health departments participating in the CaliciNet network can directly access CaliciNet data. Participating laboratories must get permission from CDC to use the data in research studies.

Cooperative agreement

CDC's Division of Viral Diseases supports NoroSTAT through the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) Cooperative Agreement. This cooperative agreement aims to enhance the capacity of state, local, and territorial health departments to effectively detect, respond, prevent, and control known and emerging (or re-emerging) infectious diseases.
