Reporting Through NoroSTAT Flowchart

Key points

  • CDC established the Norovirus Sentinel Testing and Tracking (NoroSTAT) network in August 2012.
  • Through NoroSTAT, CDC combines a subset of the NORS and CaliciNet data from the 15 participating states with standardized reporting.
Format: PNG
Dimensions: 2599 x 4500 pixels
Language: English (US)
Size: 434 KB

Text equivalent

Reporting Outbreak Data Through NoroSTAT

  1. During an outbreak, people get sick from norovirus.
  2. State, local, and territorial health departments are notified of outbreak.
  3. NoroSTAT-participating health departments report data within 7 business days of outbreak notification.
  4. Health departments begin investigation and collect and test specimens.
  5. Health departments report data through CaliciNet and NORS.
    1. Lab data reported to CaliciNet and integrated into NoroSTAT. Only CaliciNet-certified labs upload genotype information into CaliciNet database.
    2. Clinical data and epidemiological data reported to NORS.
  6. CaliciNet data linked to NORS to provide genotype information.
  7. Only aggregate data on norovirus outbreak (date, location, number of people sick, symptoms, etc.) is integrated from NORS into NoroSTAT.
  8. NoroSTAT is a network of 15 participating state health departments with standardized reporting: AL, CO, MA, MI, MN, NE, NM, NC, OH, OR, SC, TN, VA, WI, and WY
  9. Through NoroSTAT, CDC combines a subset of the NORS and CaliciNet data form the 15 states.
  10. CDC oversees data verification, timely data analysis, and data dissemination.
  11. NoroSTAT data are disseminated online at