Council Members

The Healthy Work Design and Well-Being Council has four co-chairs, three from the NIOSH Healthy Work Design and Well-Being Program and one from a partner organization. Members attend meetings and participate in workgroups. Contact the Co-Chair or NORA Coordinator to volunteer.

Current Members

Name Organization
David DeJoy


University of Georgia, Athens
Rene Pana-Cryan


L. Casey Chosewood


Naomi Swanson


David Ballard American Psychological Association
Les Boden Boston University
Carol Brown University of Colorado
Tim Bushnell NIOSH
Erik L. Carlton West Virginia University School of Public Health
Claire Caruso NIOSH
Jennifer Cavallari University of Connecticut School of Medicine
Chia-Chia Chang NIOSH
Lorraine M. Conroy University of Illinois at Chicago
Michael Foley Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
Robert Fox General Motors
Leslie Hammer Portland State University
Karen Heaton University of Alabama at Birmingham
Heidi Hudson NIOSH
Pam Hymel Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts
Kari Kilbride 3M
Jake Lazarovic MyAbilities
Dave LeGrande Communication Workers of America
David Lombardi Harvard University
Russell Matthews University of Alabama
Alyssa McGonagle University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Lee Newman University of Colorado
Jeannie Nigam NIOSH
Daniel Patterson University of Pittsburgh
Brian Quay NIOSH
Tapas Ray NIOSH
Bonnie Rogers University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Marie-Anne Rosemberg University of Michigan
Steve Sauter Consultant
Anita Schill NIOSH
Candice Schaefer Twitter
Mindy Shoss University of Central Florida
Penney Stanch Baer Engineering and Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Laura Stock University of California, Berkeley
Ron Stout Ardmore Institute of Health