National Campaign to Prevent Falls

What to know

Falls are the main cause of construction worker fatalities. You and your organization can get involved in the National Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction or host a Safety Stand-Down to raise awareness and protect workers.


Falls are the number one cause of construction worker fatalities, accounting for one-third of all on-the-job deaths in the industry. In 2022, there were 423 fatal falls out of 1,056 total fatalities in construction. Falls are a hazard found in many work settings. However, construction has the most fatal falls out of all industries and represents 49% of all falls nationally.

In 2012, NIOSH and the NORA Construction Sector Council launched a National Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and CPWR – the Center for Construction Research and Training partnered in the launch. It is a nationwide initiative to prevent falls at construction sites. Falls from elevation are the leading cause of fatalities in construction.

Get involved‎

As part of the campaign a National Stand-Down occurs each year. It encourages employers to pause work and talk directly to employees about safety. Any workplace can hold a stand-down by taking a break to focus on fall hazards and fall prevention.


Each year NIOSH and the partners identified above work together to develop a new series of infographics in English and Spanish.

View and download the infographics as PDFs or JPEGs for use in social media, presentations, and print materials.