Climate and Workplace Safety and Health

Key points

  • Variations in weather can impact worker safety and health.
  • Risk management programs can use research related to the occupational impacts of climate.
  • Employers, safety and health professionals, government agencies, and others can all play a role in protecting workers from climate-related hazards.
A city skyline impacted by smog


Workers may be disproportionately affected by climate variations. Climate-related impacts may make existing health and safety issues worse. They can also lead to new hazards.

Workers may be exposed to climate-related hazards that other people can choose to avoid. For example, most people might stay indoors during a heat wave. However, some workers must be outside to do their job.

Climate-related hazards may affect some workers both at work and at home. For example, migrant workers and day laborers may have low quality housing or other social and economic constraints.


There are several types of climate-related occupational hazards and exposures.

Increased ambient temperature

Many workers spend their entire work shift in hot environments, both indoors and outdoors. Environments may become hotter because of

  • Higher temperatures
  • Extreme heat events (such as heat waves)
  • Shifting and expanding hot seasons

Heat stress is a major hazard for many workers. Workers often have less control over their exposure to heat while at work. They may continue working jobs requiring intense physical activity during heat waves and other extreme heat events.

Air pollution

Air pollution can cause to coughing and eye irritation. It can also cause long-term health effects like heart disease, respiratory diseases, and allergic disorders.

Workplace exposure to environmental air pollution varies depending on:

  • Worksite location
  • Weather conditions
  • Outdoor air quality
  • Increased frequency of wildland fires

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation

Ultraviolet (UV) rays are a part of sunlight that is an invisible form of radiation. Complex interactions among greenhouse gases, climate, and atmospheric conditions have increased UV radiation in recent years. Over-exposure to UV radiation can result in skin cancer, eye damage, and immune suppression.

Extreme weather

Increasing extreme weather events or natural disasters include floods, landslides, storms, lightning, droughts, and wildfires. These events contribute to occupational deaths, injuries, diseases, and stress. Workers involved in rescue, cleanup, and restoration are exposed to hazardous conditions both during and after extreme weather events.

Biological hazards and shifting or expanded habitats

Climate-impacted conditions such as temperature and rainfall affect a variety of organisms. Their populations may grow, and their geographic location may change by shifting or expanding.

Health impacts include:

  • Vector-borne disease such as those spread by ticks and mosquitoes
  • Food-borne and water-borne diseases
  • Asthma and allergies triggered by pollen
  • Mold-related asthma
  • Skin and lung irritation from poisonous plants
  • Bites from venomous snakes

Pesticides are often used to try to control biological hazards. However, exposure to pesticides may have a variety of adverse health effects for workers.

Industrial transitions and emerging industries

In response to concerns about our climate and environment, the economy has shifted. Many businesses are moving towards energy efficiency, environmentally friendly practices, and green jobs. Some industries will decline, leading to job insecurity. At the same time, new industries will emerge, like those in solar, wind, biodiesel, nuclear, recycling, and green jobs. Worker safety and health concerns in these emerging industries must be identified and addressed.

Changes in the built environment

Higher temperatures increase the need for climate-controlled buildings. Illnesses from spending time in climate-controlled buildings are sometimes related to indoor air quality. These illnesses especially occur in buildings with air conditioning or water damage. An example of an illness is tight or sick building syndrome.

Energy-efficient "tight" buildings with microbial-contaminated humidifiers or air handlers that use biocides also have indoor air quality concerns. They may lead to radon buildup in small work areas such as storage rooms or offices.

Additional considerations

Mental health effects

Climate-related difficulties or losses may increase mental health disorders among workers. For example, first responders after extreme weather events may be more likely to experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression.

Economic burden

Climate-related impacts may decrease worker productivity. Employers may find it more challenging to hire and retain workers. For example, heat stress may lead to reduced productivity of outdoor workers because they may:

  • Tire more quickly in hotter temperatures.
  • Need additional breaks to cool down and rehydrate.

Additionally, medical costs of workers’ compensation claims may increase. Workers may need more days away from work after heat-related injuries and illnesses.

Occupational health equity

Climate-related impacts will affect occupational health equity. Climate will increasingly present hazards with greater impact on workers who are already at higher risk for injury, illness, and fatality. For example, millions of outdoor workers are seasonally exposed to extreme heat. Many outdoor workers are migrant or immigrant workers. They are more susceptible to hazards due to factors such as:

  • A lack of knowledge and safety training
  • Poverty
  • Seasonality of work
  • Extreme work conditions
  • Cultural differences
  • Language barriers

They may also work for small businesses. Small businesses often:

  • Lack resources for safety and health practices.
  • Have less time for safety activities.
  • Have fewer employees to engage in safety committees.


Journal articles

Updated assessment of occupational safety and health hazards of climate change (2023)

Update to a framework for how climate change could affect worker safety. It also addresses crosscutting issues including mental health implications, economic burden, and equity issues.

Advancing the framework for considering the effects of climate change on worker safety and health (2016)

Update to a framework for how climate change could affect worker safety and health. It also identifies key priorities for action in research, surveillance, risk assessment, risk management, and policy development.

Climate change and occupational safety and health: establishing a preliminary framework (2009)

Develops a framework that identifies how climate change could affect the workplace and occupational injury, illness, and death.

Additional resources

CDC Climate and Health Program

Supports state, tribal, local, and territorial public health agencies as they prepare for the health impacts of a changing climate.

American Industrial Hygiene Association Technical Framework: Climate Change Adaptation for the OEHS Professional

Establishes an educational foundation for the health and safety of working populations affected by climate change.

Provides current and forecasted air quality index information by zip code. It also has air quality action day alerts for your location.

EPA Particulate Matter Pollution

Information on particulate matter, where it comes from, and harmful effects.

US Global Change Research Program

Coordinates federal research and investments in understanding the forces shaping the global environment and their impacts on society. USGCRP facilitates collaboration and cooperation across its 13 federal member agencies.