Data and Reports

At a glance

  • NARMS reports and interactive data dashboards summarize antimicrobial resistance among enteric bacteria.
  • The reports and dashboards describe the number and type of isolates collected, their associated antimicrobial resistance, and trends in antimicrobial resistance.


NARMS Now: Human Data

Screenshot from NARMS Now data dashboard, with map showing resistance percentages by state and line graph showing resistance percentages by year.
NARMS Now: Human Data makes it easier and quicker to find out how antimicrobial resistance has changed.

See how antimicrobial resistance for five bacteria transmitted commonly through food has changed over the past two decades.

See the trends

NARMS Integrated Report

Screenshot from NARMS integrated data dashboard, showing isolates with no resistance detected in 2020 and 2019.
Integrated NARMS surveillance provides information needed to assess the nature and magnitude of resistance in bacteria moving through the food supply and causing illnesses in humans.

FDA's latest NARMS Integrated Report represents a consolidated view of the data generated from human clinical isolates, food-producing animal isolates, and isolates from raw meat at retail outlets.

Explore FDA's interactive data

Learn more about FDA NARMS


FSIS NARMS Multi-Year Report

Graph from FSIS NARMS multi-year report showing percentage of cattle, chicken, swine, and turkey samples positive for Salmonella.
The continuous tracking of Salmonella serotypes and resistance trends serves as an early indicator of potential threats to public health.

The USDA FSIS NARMS Multi-Year Report evaluates trends in Salmonella serotypes and antimicrobial resistance in certain food animal species and products from 2014 through 2019. This report focuses on antimicrobial resistance trends and emerging threats in Salmonella serotypes of public health concern.

Learn about resistance in Salmonella

Learn more about USDA NARMS

Antibiotic Resistance Threats Report

AR Threats Report factsheet on drug-resistant non-typhoidal Salmonella showing estimated infections and deaths per year and labeling it a serious threat.
The 2019 Threats Report serves as a reference for information on antimicrobial resistance, provides the latest burden estimates, and highlights emerging areas of concern and additional action needed.

CDC's Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, 2019 includes the latest national death and infection estimates for 18 antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and fungi. This report underscores the continued threat of antimicrobial resistance in the U.S., the actions taken to combat this threat, and gaps slowing progress.

Learn about the threat of antimicrobial resistance

See the 2022 Special Report to learn how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected antimicrobial resistance in the U.S.

Archived NARMS Human Isolates Reports