The following success stories highlight how Core SIPP implements, evaluates and disseminates injury prevention strategies into action.
Montana's success story highlights how Core SIPP puts prevention strategies into action.
Transportation Safety
Virginia's success story highlights how Core SIPP puts prevention strategies into action.
Health Equity
Colorado's success story highlighting how Core SIPP puts injury prevention strategies into action.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Tennessee's success story highlights how Core SIPP puts injury prevention strategies into action.
New York's success story highlights how Core SIPP puts injury prevention strategies into action.
Alaska's success story highlights how Core SIPP puts injury prevention strategies into action.
Shared Risk and Protective Factors (SRPF)
California and New Mexico's stories show Core SIPP putting injury prevention strategies into action.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Mississippi's success story highlights how Core SIPP puts injury prevention strategies into action.
Minnesota's success story highlights how Core SIPP puts injury prevention strategies into action.
North Carolina's story shows how Core SIPP puts injury prevention strategies into action.
Content Source:
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control