
researchers in a lab

CDC provides national leadership for HIV prevention research, including the development and evaluation of HIV biomedical and behavioral interventions to prevent HIV transmission and reduce HIV disease progression in the United States and internationally. CDC’s research efforts also include identifying those scientifically proven, cost-effective, and scalable interventions and prevention strategies to be implemented as part of a high-impact prevention approach for maximal impact on the HIV epidemic.

Cost-effectiveness of HIV Prevention

Prevention Research Synthesis Project

The HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Synthesis (PRS) Project identifies evidence-based HIV behavioral interventions (EBIs) listed in the Compendium of Evidence-Based HIV Behavioral Interventions to help HIV prevention planners and providers in the United States choose the interventions most appropriate for their communities.

Highlights of Program and Research Activities
  • On January 1, 2012, CDC began a new 5-year HIV prevention funding cycle with health departments, awarding $339 million annually.
  • The STD/HIV National Network of Prevention Training Centers provides training for health departments and CBOs on the HIV prevention interventions.