Partner Resources

Key points

  • CDC's partners have developed several free resources for public health departments.
  • These resources inform public health's work in addressing key issues for dementia.
  • Resources highlight the importance of maintaining health in key areas and supporting caregivers.
Icon showing a brain inside of a head with a portion of the head shaped like a hand
  • CDC's partners have developed several free resources for public health departments.
  • These resources inform public health's work in addressing key issues for dementia.
  • Resources highlight the importance of maintaining health in key areas and supporting caregivers.

Integrating Alzheimer's disease messages into chronic disease programs

CDC and the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) partnered to produce this communication guide for public health professionals. It explains how to leverage existing communication channels to promote brain health messages within chronic disease risk reduction programs. It offers:

  • A guide on how to work with chronic disease prevention and control programs and their partners to develop and disseminate effective communication strategies
  • Customizable brain health rack cards and infographics for use in health care providers' offices.

Integrating Alzheimer's Messages into Chronic Disease Programs: A Communications Guide for Public Health Professionals
A communication guide for public health professionals creating Alzheimer's messages.

These downloadable rack cards and infographics show risk reduction messages to promote brain health.

Protect Your Head. Protect Your Brain. rack card
This rack card provides information about how to reduce your risk of injury to reduce risk for dementia.

African-American man sleeping peacefully in bed. Text: Healthy Sleep. Healthy Brain.
This rack card provides information about how to get better quality sleep.

African-American man woodworking in a shop. Text: Healthy Hearing. Healthy Brain.
This rack card explains how to reduce your risk for hearing loss.

Young woman medical pro checking older woman's blood sugar. Text: Healthy Blood Sugar. Healthy Brain
This rack card explains how controlling blood sugar can protect your brain health.

Nurse checking an older adult man's blood pressure.
This rack card explains how controlling blood pressure can protect your brain health.

Older adult couple enjoying a salad. Text: Healthy Diet. Healthy Brain.
This rack card explains how a healthy diet can reduce your risk for memory loss.

Older woman and man working out, lifting dumbells. Text: Healthy Body. Healthy Brain.
This rack card provides information on how regular physical activity can have benefits for brain health.

Healthy Aging. Healthy Brain. Be active, good sleep, eat healthy, no tobacco, healthy weight, take medicine as prescribed
Information on how promoting a healthy body can also benefit your brain.

Caregiving Action Brief for Public Health Agencies

The Alzheimer's Association and CDC partnered to produce this caregiving action brief for public health agencies, which:

  • Explores the role of public health in convening partners from multiple disciplines to take on the challenges of dementia caregiving.
  • Provides leaders with a framework and resources for action.

Younger man grasping the hand of old man. Promoting Caregiving Across Full Community: Role for Public Health Strategists
Resources for public health leaders to support caregiving for all people living with dementia.

This caregiving action brief provides an overview of the challenges of caregiving for people living with dementia. It includes a framework and resources for action. Access the action brief and the executive summary.

Customizable templates — Healthy Heart, Healthy Brain

CDC partnered with the Alzheimer’s Association to these information materials for health care providers and public health professionals. These materials can be used to educate their patients and communities about promoting brain health.

They include a series of four customizable flyers and two instruction guides for professionals to tailor images and information to their community.


The American College of Preventive Medicine, in partnership with CDC, has developed a toolkit for health care providers. The toolkit provides actionable guidance, illustrative case studies, and educational materials to support the integration of brain health initiatives within health systems and leverage clinical-community linkages. Public health partners and interested individuals are also encouraged to use this toolkit.

The BOLD Center for Early Detection of Dementia, in collaboration with the CDC, developed this toolkit. It is intended for clinicians, administrators, and patients engaged with large health systems. The toolkit provides information on early detection of dementia, establishing supportive services, and becoming more ‘dementia-capable’. It supports a comprehensive approach to dementia detection to cultivate a supportive and sustainable care pathway for individuals and their families.