Adrienne Keen, Ph.D.

Staff Bio

Adrienne Keen, Ph.D., leads the Inform team's work to translate and communicate outbreak models and analytic results to decision-makers, public health agencies, and other audiences. Since joining CFA in March 2022, she has coordinated work on the Mpox and respiratory virus responses, while developing new products for communicating CFA's forward-looking analyses.

Adrienne Keen, Ph.D., is the director of the Inform division for the Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics.

Areas of expertise

Prior to joining CFA, Dr. Keen served as the Director for Global Health Security at the National Intelligence Council. She also served as a global health advisor at the U.S. Department of State for several years, where she led global health security briefings and analysis for senior U.S. government officials. She concurrently served as an independent consultant to the World Health Organization's Global Tuberculosis Program, advising countries on improvements to tuberculosis surveillance and control programs. Dr. Keen was a consultant in health economic modeling and comparative effectiveness research before joining the federal government.


Dr. Keen earned her Ph.D. in infectious disease epidemiology and modeling from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, while holding a joint appointment with the Modelling & Economics Unit at the United Kingdom Health Security Agency, formerly Health Protection Agency.