Epi Info™ User Guide

Command Reference

Analysis Commands: SET

This command provides various options that affect the performance and output of data in Classic Analysis. These settings are utilized whenever you use the Classic Analysis program.

SET [<parameter> = <value>] END-SET
The <parameter> = <value> represents various elements on the form. Any number of elements may be used in a single SET statement.

Parameter Values Response
(-) “<Text>” In Boolean variables, NO will be represented as <Text>.
(.) “<Text>” Variables with missing values will be represented as <Text>.
(+) “<Text>” In Boolean variables, YES will be represented as <Text>.
YN “<Text1 Text2 Text3 >” Sets displayed text for Yes, No, and Missing to Text1, Text2, and Text3 respectively.
PROCESS NORMAL Deleted records are not included.
DELETED Only deleted records are included.
BOTH Deleted records are included.
DELETED YES or (+) Deleted records are included.
NO or (-) Deleted records are not included.
ONLY Only deleted records are included.
MISSING (+) or ON Include missing values for analysis.
(-) or OFF Do not include missing values for analysis.

Program Specific Feature
In the command generator, selecting Save Only or OK generates a SET command, which contains only changed settings. To force a SET command to be generated for a current value of a setting, change its value and change it back again.
