Healthy People 2030 Related to Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity

Key points

Healthy People 2030 sets data-driven national objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade. Healthy People 2030 includes 359 core — or measurable — objectives as well as developmental and research objectives. Below are the indicators and objectives that align with the work of CDC's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO).

Two adults outside with a young child.

Leading health indicators

Of the core Healthy People 2030 objectives, there is a subset of 23 leading health indicators. This subset helps organizations, communities, and states focus their resources and efforts to improve the health and well-being of all people. Four leading health indicators are directly related to DNPAO's work:

In addition to the leading health indicators, the objectives below are related to DNPAO's work.

Neighborhood and built environment

Increase the proportion of:

Developmental objectives

In addition to core objectives, developmental objectives represent specific high-priority public health issues. These public health issues are associated with evidence-based interventions but do not yet have reliable baseline data.

The developmental objectives related to DNPAO are to increase the proportion of:

Research objectives

Research objectives represent public health issues with a high health or economic burden. These public health issues can also have significant disparities between population groups. These public health issues are not yet associated with evidence-based interventions.

Objectives are to increase the proportion of:

Overall health and well-being measures

Overall health and well-being measures are broad outcome measures intended to assess the Healthy People 2030 vision. This vision is of a society where all people can achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the lifespan. Unlike the leading health indicators and core objectives, these measures do not have targets.


Healthy life expectancy

Mortality and health summary

Objective code abbreviations

  • A—Arthritis
  • DO—Developmental Objective
  • ECBP—Educational and Community-Based Programs
  • EMC—Early and Middle Childhood
  • MICH—Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
  • NWS—Nutrition and Weight Status
  • OA—Older Adults
  • OHM—Overall Health and Well–Being Measures
  • PA—Physical Activity
  • RO—Research Objective
  • SH—Sleep Health