Key points
- Learn about the algorithms that the Comprehensive Clinic Assessment Software Application (CoCASA) uses to produce reports.
- Learn about the rules for each antigen
Important note
When running reports, the user can choose more or fewer doses than might be required by the algorithm for vaccine completeness. The Comprehensive Clinic Assessment Software Application (CoCASA) will count the patient as complete for that particular antigen based on the lesser of the dose counts.
For instance, if the algorithm requires 5 doses of an antigen, but the user chooses 2, then the patient will be counted as complete with 2 doses. Conversely, if the algorithm requires 2 doses but the user chooses 5, then the patient will still be counted as complete with 2 doses.
Also note that when ACIP recommendations are applied, the intervals are calculated from the last valid or invalid dose for:
- Compliance
- Missed opportunities
- Eligibility
- Coming due
Important note
Complete and up to date
The patient has received all of the selected vaccinations by either the compliance date or the compliance age as chosen by the user. If the patient’s date of birth causes their compliance age to fall after the assessment date, the patient is not included in the report. Even if the patient falls within the age range chosen for the report, they won't be included. For example, if you choose compliance by 24 months at the assessment date, any patients younger than 24 months will be excluded from the report.
Complete but late up to date
The patient is not up to date at the compliance date or age requested for the report, but they become up to date between the compliance date/age and the assessment date.
Bring up to date with one visit
The patient is one dose shy of being complete for the particular antigen in question on the assessment date. If a report is run against a series of antigens and all of the remaining vaccinations could be given on the same day, then the patient could still be brought up to date with one visit.
Missed opportunity on the last immunization visit
On the patient’s last visit for an immunization, they were eligible for a valid dose of the antigen in question based on their age and the time interval from the previous valid or invalid dose. However, at the time of that visit they either:
- Received a dose of a different antigen than the antigen in question, or
- There was a reason a different antigen was not given
Missed opportunity on all immunization visits
During any of the patient’s immunization visits, they were eligible for a valid dose of the antigen in question based on their age and the time interval from the previous valid or invalid dose. However, at the time of that visit they either:
- Received a dose of a different antigen than the antigen in question, or
- There was a reason a different antigen was not given
Missed opportunity on all previous visits
During any of the patient’s visits, they were eligible for a valid dose of the antigen in question based on their age and the time interval from the previous valid or invalid dose. This includes non-immunization and immunization visits. However, at the time of that visit they either:
- received a dose of a different antigen than the antigen in question, or
- there was a reason a different antigen was not given
Missed opportunity on only non-immunization visits
During any of the patient’s non-immunization visits, a valid dose of the antigen in question could have been administered in keeping with the patient’s age and the time interval from the previous valid or invalid dose.
Eligible for immunization
Those patients who are not complete and up to date as of the assessment date and have no missed opportunities. Based on the rules of the antigen in question, they could receive a valid dose of that antigen at the assessment date.
Last visit < 12 months ago or last visit greater than ≥= 12 months ago
Only patients who are eligible for immunization are counted in these totals. Both immunization visits and non-immunization visits are counted.
Rules for each antigen
The rules listed below are applied for each antigen.
DTaP | HepA | HepB | HIB | HPV | IIV or LAIV | IPV | MenACWY | MenB | MMR | PCV13 | RV | Tdap | VAR
DTaP — Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
Note: DTwP, DTP and DT are all valid substitutes for DTaP. |
HepA — Hepatitis A vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
HepB — Hepatitis B vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
Note: The use of combination vaccines may result in an extra (4th) dose of HepB. This algorithm accounts for a valid 4th dose but considers it Dose 3 if the 3rd dose does not meet the Dose 3 parameters above but the 4th dose does. |
Hib — Haemophilus influenza type b vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
HPV — Human papillomavirus vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
2-dose schedule
3-dose schedule
Note: CoCASA determines which schedule to use by examining the interval between valid Dose 1 and valid Dose 2. If the interval is greater than or equal to 5 months, the 2-dose schedule is used, otherwise the 3-dose schedule is used. |
IIV — Influenza vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
IPV — Inactivated poliovirus vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
MMR — Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
MenACWY — Meningococcal vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
Note: the patient will not have any missed opportunities until on or after the 11th birthday. |
MenB — Meningococcal serogroup B vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
Note: CoCASA requires entry of brand name (Bexsero or Trumenba) for each MenB vaccine dose administered.
Note: Administration of MenB vaccine for individuals aged 16–23 years is based on shared clinical decision making. Thus, MenB vaccine will not appear on any CoCASA missed opportunity reports. |
PCV13 — Pneumococcal conjugate vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
RV — Rotavirus vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |
VAR — Varicella vaccination
ACIP-recommended rules used by CoCASA to define valid doses | Rules used by CoCASA to assess complete or up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status |