CoCASA is Sunsetting

CoCASA has not been updated in over a year. (CoCASA is no longer being routinely updated) As part of the sunsetting process for this program, CoCASA will not be available for download after 12/31/2025.

  • The last day to do an IQIP initial assessment calculated by CoCASA: 12/31/2024.
  • The last day to do an IQIP 12-month follow-up assessment calculated by CoCASA: 12/31/2025.

CoCASA Installation Instructions

Key points

See Q&As on Installation, Setup, & Compatibility for the CoCASA (Comprehensive Clinic Assessment Software Application).

How to use these resources

Download CoCASA‎

Install CoCASA Version 17.0 [25 MB] Updated January 2023

Version History (Lists the changes made between versions).

Recommended Operating System

  • CoCASA is supported on Windows 10 operating systems and above.

Q&As on Installation, Setup, & Compatibility

Q: Can I install the CoCASA database on a network so that my staff can enter data at their computer, but the data is saved in one central database?

A: Yes. You can install the CoCASA database on your network (or a shared drive) so that your staff can enter data in one, central database.

Steps for setting up a centralized/shared CoCASA database
Make a note of your current database location of all your systems

  1. Menu Utilities > Database Functions > View Database Location

From System 1,

  1. Copy your current database to your new location (server).
    1. Menu Utilities > Database Functions > Copy Database.
  2. Connect your CoCASA to point to new database location (server).
    1. Menu Utilities > Database Functions > Connect to a Different Database.
  3. Verify your CoCASA is connecting to a new location (server).
    1. Menu Utilities > Database Functions > View Database Location.

From System 2 and additional systems,

  1. Export your data to the XML file.
    1. Menu File > Export > CoCASA Data
    2. On Export CoCASA Data screen,
      1. Select All Providers
      2. All Data
      3. Click Export button.
  1. Go to System 1 which is currently connected to the server database
    1. Menu File > Import > CoCASA Data
    2. Browse to the export XML CoCASA Data file from step 1.
    3. Click Open.
    4. Verify all your data is imported into the server database.
  1. Go to System 2 to connect your CoCASA to point to new database location (server).
    1. Menu Utilities > Database Functions > Connect to a Different Database.
  1. Once all your data is imported and all systems are connected to the server database you can move your local database copies to the secure location for a backup.

Every time you start up CoCASA, the splash screen has the pathname of the database that CoCASA is 'pointed to' so you can verify that the correct database is being used. (You can also look on the "Help → About CoCASA" screen to see the pathname of the database that is being used.)

It is important to note, that difficulties with using CoCASA from a shared drive have been documented. In some cases (particularly where users are accessing it from a remote location rather than from one central site) the software has been very slow to respond. Others have had the application unexpectedly close. If these problems are experienced, we recommend that you go back to using the database on your individual hard drives and exporting data to one, central database on a periodic basis.

Q: Once the setup is imported, will it do any damage to import it again (for a demonstration or by mistake)?

A: You will not do any damage by importing it again for demonstration or by mistake. It will update your setup based on the latest import, so just be sure you are importing the correct setup.

Q: Is the software compatible with any type of hand-held computer to use for direct on-site data entry during the actual site visit?

A: CoCASA is only supported for devices running Windows 10 and above.