Cervical Cancer: Follow-Up and Referral

What to know

The follow-up and referral focus area includes tools and resources to ensure timely referral for diagnostic testing, treatment, and other appropriate next steps (such as genetic testing) when screening tests are abnormal.

Doctor holding phone and taking notes.


This page is part of the Cervical Cancer Screening Change Package.

You've selected a focus area. Next, select a change concept.
Instructions to navigate this page.

Change concepts are "general notions that are useful for developing more specific strategies for changing a process."1 Change ideas are evidence-based or practice-based "actionable, specific ideas or strategies."1 Each change idea is linked to tools and resources that can be used or adapted to improve cancer screening.

Note: See a list of acronyms used in this change package.

Select a change concept:

Change concept: Establish relationships with specialists for diagnostic testing and treatment.

Change concept: Adopt policies and procedures for patient referral and follow-up for diagnostic testing and treatment.

Change concept: Overcome barriers to follow-up and treatment.

Change concept: Implement follow-up processes for regular screening.