CDC-RFA-CE-24-0120: Rape Prevention and Education: Enhancing Capacity for Sexual Violence Prevention among Tribal Sexual Assault Coalitions

What to know

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announces the availability of funds for CDC-RFA-CE-24-0120: Rape Prevention and Education: Enhancing Capacity for Sexual Violence Prevention among Tribal Sexual Assault Coalitions. Get important dates, funding opportunity goals, and links to resources.

Important dates

  • Application Deadline: April 16, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (EST)
  • Informational Webinar date: March 1, 2024 at 2 p.m. (EST)
  • Expected award date: May 30, 2024
  • Expected start date: June 30, 2024


The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to prevent sexual violence perpetration and victimization by increasing protective factors and decreasing risk factors. We aim to achieve this through a public health approach of implementing and evaluating comprehensive strategies based on the best available evidence and Indigenous knowledge.


The goal of this NOFO is to fund up to 10 tribal sexual assault coalitions to implement and evaluate evidence-informed and Indigenous knowledge-informed strategies that address Indigenous Determinants of Health (IDOH) across Indian Country.

Our goal is to help NOFO recipients advance health equity through prevention efforts. To do so, we require NOFO recipients to:

  • Build infrastructure for sexual violence prevention.
  • Develop a tribal sexual violence Primary Prevention Action Plan.
  • Implement sexual violence prevention strategies that advance health equity.
  • Foster meaningful engagement and coordination with state/territory/tribal health departments and sexual assault coalitions.
  • Use data to inform action.

Intended outcomes

The strategies and activities are expected to:

  • Increase implementation of sexual violence primary prevention strategies and approaches that work to reach communities with high risk for violence.
  • Support Tribal Sexual Assault Coalitions to strengthen and build the infrastructure to decrease sexual violence perpetration and victimization rates in tribal communities.
  • Reduce disparities in sexual violence by addressing associated inequities in Indigenous Determinants of Health.


The only type of organization that can apply is a designated state and territory sexual assault coalition, as authorized by the Violence Against Women Act (2022) and 34 U.S.C. 12291.

Other Program Eligibility:

  • Tribal sexual assault coalition applicants: You must state that you are a tribal sexual assault coalition and include your coalition's name in the project abstract. If you do not state and include it in the project abstract, we will deem your application nonresponsive and not review it.
  • A Tribal Leader letter is optional.


Expected awards: Up to 10

Expected total program funding over the performance period: $3,600,000

Expected total program funding per budget period: $900,000

Maximum Funding Per Applicant Per Budget period: As outlined in the 2022 Violence Against Women Act, all designated state and territory sexual assault coalitions will receive the same funding amount based on the legislative appropriated amount ($90,000).

Total Period of Performance Length: 4 year(s)


Letter of intent

A letter of intent (LOI) is not required.

Informational webinar

CDC held an informational webinar on March 1, 2024 at 2 p.m. (EST).

Related information and guidance

  • Understanding Eligibility
  • Understanding Strategies
  • Notifications Info: Applicants must go to the synopsis page of this Notice of Funding Opportunity and click the "Subscribe" button to receive notifications of any changes to CDC-RFA-CE-24-0120. If not already registered, applicants will be prompted to create a account.