Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Summary

Adjuvanted (2024-2025 Formula)


The following product summary can be used by product providers to prepare orders for fall and winter virus season.

Presentations and Indications

Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted is indicated for individuals 12 years of age and older.

Novavax's product will be presented in prefilled syringes, and there is one dosage strength (0.5mL) for all authorized uses.

Ordering and Return Policy

Minimum Initial Order

Prefilled syringes are packaged in cartons of 10 doses, therefore a carton of 10 prefilled syringes is the minimum order that can be placed through an authorized distributor.

Pre-ordering or Reservation Programs

Authorized distributors offer reservations and prebook programs, as well as on-demand orders. Reservations and prebook orders are accepted until the vaccination season begins. On-demand orders will be accepted throughout the vaccination season.

See Novavax's authorized distributors.

Discount programs are available for healthcare providers, including long-term care facilities.

Return Policy

Unopened Vaccine

Novavax offers returns to to customers through authorized distributors. Individual unopened prefilled syringes may be returned. For more details, please contact customer service at 844-NOVAVAX (844-668-2829).

Opened Vaccine

Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Aduvanted is available in prefilled syringes. Opened product cannot be returned.

Storage Requirements

Must be stored refrigerated (between 2⁰C and 8⁰C).

Diluent Type and Volume

Ready to use. No dilution, mixing, thawing, or reconstitution required.


The CDC At-A-Glance fact sheet is currently being updated with 2024-25 information.

CDC At-A-Glance Fact Sheet (COVID 2023-2024)

Shelf Life

Shelf Life Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted (2024-2025 Formula)
Unopened, frozen vaccine N/A; Novavax’s product is never frozen. DO NOT FREEZE.
Unopened, refrigerated vaccine 3 months
Opened, refrigerated vaccine Prefilled syringe must be immediately used or discarded once opened. Discard each syringe after single use.
Opened, room temperature vaccine Prefilled syringe must be immediately used or discarded once opened. Discard each syringe after single use.

Additional Information

The updated 2024-2025 formula of Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted will be subject to FDA review for authorization and/or approval in the coming months.

Product will be in distribution centers in July and released for use immediately upon FDA authorization.

Unrefrigerated vaccine (prefilled syringes) should be used within 6 hours when kept at room temperature (up to 27ºC or ~81ºF).