Adult Immunization Schedule by Medical Condition and Other Indication (Compliant)


Compliant version of the Adult Immunization Schedule by Medical Condition and Other Indication.

Ages 19 Years or Older

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¶ = Recommended for all adults who lack documentation of vaccination, OR lack evidence of immunity
§ = Not recommended for all adults, but recommended for some adults based on either age OR increased risk for or severe outcomes from disease
^ = Recommended based on shared clinical decision-making
| = Recommended for all adults, and additional doses may be necessary based on medical condition or other indications. See Notes.
± = Precaution: Might be indicated if benefit of protection outweighs risk of adverse reaction
# = Contraindicated or not recommended *Vaccinate after pregnancy, if indicated
• = No Guidance/Not Applicable

Vaccine Pregnancy Immuno-compromised
(excluding HIV infection)
HIV infection CD4
percentage and count
Men who have sex with men Asplenia, complement deficiency Heart or lung disease Kidney failure, End-stage renal disease or on dialysis Chronic liver disease; alcoholisma Diabetes Healthcare Personnelb
<15% or <200mm3 ≥15% and ≥200mm3
COVID-19 more info icon. See notes
IIV4 more info icon. or RIV4 1 dose annually¶
LAIV4 more info icon. # 1 dose annually if age 19-49 years§ # 1 dose annually if age 19-49± years§
RSV more info icon. Seasonal administration. See notes See notes^ ^ See notes^
Tdap or Td more info icon. Tdap: 1 dose each pregnancy| 1 dose Tdap, then Td or Tdap booster every 10 yrs¶
MMR more info icon. *# # 1 or 2 doses depending on indication¶
VAR more info icon. *# # See notes
RZV more info icon. See notes §
HPV more info icon. *# 3 dose series if indicated§ §
Pneumococcal more info icon. § §
HepA more info icon. §
HepB more info icon. See notes § §
Age ≥ 60 years^
MenACWY more info icon. | |
MenB more info icon. ± |
Hib more info icon. HSCT: 3 dosesc| Asplenia: 1 dose¶
Mpox more info icon. See notes§ § See notes§ § See notes§
  1. Precaution for LAIV4 does not apply to alcoholism.
  2. See notes for influenza; hepatitis B; measles, mumps, and rubella; and varicella vaccinations.
  3. Hematopoietic stem cell transplant.