Provider Education Assessment and Reporting (PEAR) System

What to know

Awardee oversight and program management is important to ensure provider compliance within the VFC Program. Oversight and management reporting is completed utilizing the Provider Education Assessment and Reporting (PEAR) system.

VFC 30th anniversary vaccines for children 1994-2024

Provider Education Assessment and Reporting (PEAR) System

To access the PEAR system

Awardees will have to log into the Secure Access Management Services (SAMS) Portal in order to access PEAR. SAMS is a website that allows public health partners and providers to access information and computer applications managed by CDC. Many CDC programs use the SAMS Portal as their entry point for partner-only information and applications.

Important note‎

If you do not already have SAMS access, please reach out to your Immunization Operations and Services Branch Project Officer for assistance. If you are unsure who your Project Officer is, reach out to your VFC Program Coordinator.

How the PEAR system supports VFC Program awardee work

The PEAR system was developed to:

  • Capture the VFC Program's provider compliance site visit activities online.
  • Provide a central repository of all site visit results across the United States in a central location
    • Note: PEAR now has functions that support the VFC Program management and oversight at awardee and federal levels.
  • Conduct VFC Management Survey (VMS) reporting.
  • Report VFC and Vaccine Accountability Metrics (VVAM).
  • Report fraud and abuse allegations.