MCRC: View Search Results

At a glance

Learn how to interpret search results in Media Campaign Resource Center (MCRC).

About Search Results

After you conduct a search, the system displays the items matching the search criteria you entered on the Search Results page. The system displays the following information for each ad:

  • Associated picture (if any)
  • Title
  • Cost (estimated)
  • Format
  • Languages
  • Themes
  • Campaigns
  • Description
  • Special status, e.g. Free, New

To view an ad, click on the link or the image for the item. The system displays the ad summary and details.

View screenshot of Search Results page on smaller devices or larger devices.

Filter Options

The Ads/Campaigns Filter Options section at the left side of the page displays options that you can use to filter the search results, thereby narrowing down the list. The section has two tabs, Ads and Campaigns.

To filter the list using ad options, click the Ads tab and select the options to use for narrowing the current results displayed. For example, you can choose to see only Print ads (Formats) that are Free (Cost), and targeted toward college students (Audiences) and are in Spanish (Languages). The number of items that matches each filter option is displayed next to the option. When viewing ads, you can click the Associated Campaigns link to view the campaigns associated with the currently displayed ads.

To filter the list using campaign options, click the Ads tab and select the options to use for narrowing the current results displayed. For example, you can choose to see only Pregnant Women Campaigns related to Secondhand Smoke (Theme) targeted toward Parents (Audiences) and produced between 2010 and 2015 (year range slider). When viewing campaigns, you can click the Associated Ads link to view the ads associated with the currently displayed campaigns.

View screenshot of filter options.


You can sort the search results in various ways using the Sort By field.

For example, you can choose to sort a current list of ads by their title in a descending (Z-A) or ascending (A-Z) order, cost, or format.

Note: When you sort by Cost: Low-High, free items are displayed first.

Ads/campaigns per page

You can control the number of items displayed on each results page by selecting the desired number of items per page from the Results displayed per page drop-down list. You can select to see 25, 50, 75, or 100 items per page.

Page selection

The total number of items matching the search criteria you entered is displayed at the top right corner above the results. This section also displays the set of results currently displayed, for example “1-10 of 150”.

To display a page of results, click the number corresponding to the page. To go to the first page, click the left arrow. To go to the last page, click the right arrow.