CDC/APHL Syphilis Serum Repository

At a glance

The Syphilis Serum Repository provides residual syphilis positive serum samples that can facilitate research and development of syphilis diagnostic tests for use in the U.S.

Utilization of the CDC/APHL Syphilis Serum Repository

CDC and the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) are collaborating to develop a Syphilis Serum Repository. U.S. state and local public health laboratories tested and submitted residual syphilis positive serum samples to the repository.

Organizations may request these samples from the CDC to facilitate research and development of syphilis diagnostic tests for use in the U.S.

Specimens are to be used solely for the development or evaluation of new syphilis diagnostic assays that are to be used in the United States, and/or seek FDA approval in the United States.

Specifications of the Syphilis Serum Repository

If available, CDC will provide a maximum of 150 specimens per request.

These will be from archived specimens with known freeze/thaw cycles. All specimen staging is based on information provided by clinicians or other sample submitters to public health laboratories. Treated/untreated samples are not necessarily matched (i.e., from the same patient before/after treatment). Treated samples may include samples collected up to several weeks after treatment.

Samples will be given out until depleted on a first come, first served basis.

CDC will assign a unique CDC specimen identifier (CSID) to each specimen. Users are encouraged to refer to specimens by the CSID when requests are being made. CDC will keep records as to the disposition of every aliquot, as well as will manage and share clinical data associated with each CSID.

Interested parties may request samples repeatedly for testing of sequentially optimized tests, but not more often than once/year or more than 150 specimen per year. There are no guarantees that previously obtained samples (same CSID) will be available.

Process to Request Specimens

  • Interested parties will need to submit a proposal via the form below. CDC will evaluate all proposals for public health significance and scientific merit.
  • If the proposal is approved, a PDF list of currently available specimens will then be sent to the requestor so that preferred specimens can be selected.
  • Requestor must submit an official letter of request for the specimens of interest.
  • CDC will prepare a contract of agreement to be sent to the requestor. CDC will assess a usage fee of $60 per specimen to recover the costs of obtaining, storing and handling the specimens. CDC will include a request for fees when the official contract of agreement is sent to the requestor. Payment is required before specimens can be shipped.

Note: Shipping specimens outside of the United States is not available for this activity.

Components of Research Description

All required fields on the form must be completed in order to consider a request.

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