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STI Awareness Week Toolkit: Step 1 - Choose Your Campaign

At a glance

Review the STI Awareness Week campaigns and decide which one will work best for your organization. Each campaign provides materials that you can use – web and social media graphics and sample social media content.

Step 1 - Choose Your Campaign

Pointers on Picking the Campaign that Works for You

As you are trying to decide which campaign to use, think of the following:

  • What are your objectives?
  • How are STIs impacting your community?
  • Who is your primary audience?
  • What behaviors do you want to influence?
  • How will you measure campaign success?


The tables below provide an overview of each campaign to help you decide which campaign(s) to implement according to the prevention focus in your community. Click the hyperlinked campaign titles to navigate to each campaign website.

Prepare Before You’re There




Encourages people to understand what places them at risk for STIs and to make a prevention “game plan” before they’re in the “heat of the moment.”

General public

  • Education
  • Awareness
  • Prevention
  • Communication

Talk. Test. Treat.




Encourages people and healthcare providers to take these three simple actions.

Healthcare providers,
General public

  • Communication
  • Testing
  • Treatment

GYT: Get Yourself Tested




Encourages young people to get tested and treated for STIs.


  • Education
  • Awareness
  • Testing