Kentucky: Universal Design and Bingocize

What to know

Recipients of the National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities grant are telling their success stories of how they are addressing COVID-19-related health disparities and advancing health equity through programs and activities funded by the grant.


The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) and partners updated Bingocize® to be more inclusive as an innovative and engaging way to promote healthy living among adults with disabilities in their community during the COVID-19 pandemic. The expansion allowed the established platform to implement COVID-19 educational materials – including immunization and vaccine information – to people of all ages and ability levels across Kentucky.


Adults with disabilities experience significant health disparities and were considerably affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In Kentucky, 1 in 3 adults have a disability. Research shows these individuals are more likely to experience obesity (48%)1, have high blood pressure (46%)2, and be physically inactive (61%)1 (CDC, 2021). It is possible to reduce health disparities through health education, accessible services, and by including people with disabilities in the program planning and implementation process.

Bingocize® is an international, evidence-based falls prevention and health promotion program that combines exercise, health education, and the game of bingo to help older adults improve their physical, social, and mental health. With funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities grant, the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) updated Bingocize® to be more inclusive as an innovative and engaging way to promote healthy living among disabled community members. KDPH also added a COVID-19 educational component to their program to help improve knowledge of COVID-19 prevention among the community.


Prior to updates, the Bingocize® exercise videos and curriculum focused only on older adults. The COVID-19 Health Disparities Grant enabled KDPH to fund the Bingocize® team at the Western Kentucky Center for Applied Science in Health and Aging in collaboration with the University of Kentucky’s Development Institute to broaden the health program. The expansion allowed the established platform to implement COVID-19 educational materials – including immunization and vaccine information – to people of all ages and ability levels across Kentucky.

The team incorporated universal design principles and updated Bingocize®’s curriculum to include adaptations such as alternative exercises, more diversity in exercise videos, and text in plain language for a lay audience. This effort also improved capacity building for Bingocize® across Kentucky and beyond by providing technical support, training, and resources to organizations.


The recent changes to Bingocize® produced new relationships and partnerships with more than 10 community organizations across the state, such as disability day programs, senior centers, and local fitness programs. Additionally, the updates also led the program to be more inclusive and accessible to everyone. Forty-two participants with intellectual and developmental disabilities participated in the in-person pilot program across two locations.

Several health outcomes from Bingocize® include:

  • improved knowledge of COVID-19 and infection prevention strategies;
  • increased social engagement; and
  • improved physical, social, and mental health.

At-risk communities gained more knowledge, social engagement, and physical activity through Bingocize®, which has been especially critical during the pandemic when there was an increase in sedentary activity. The updates made to the innovative program received high praise and achieved great success. Bingocize® was particularly effective in increasing activity levels among participants, as noted by several disability organizations. One adult day program director expressed their enthusiasm, stating, “This has been fantastic! This is the most physical activity some of our participants have done in years!” Additionally, a participant shared their experience, saying, “Even if I can’t stand up, I still participate in my chair! It’s fun and accessible, no matter the challenge. I love that!"