Accreditation: Programmatic Connections

What to know

Considerable work has been done to identify and build connections between Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) standards and public health programs, key initiatives, and emerging topics of interest to the public health community.

An image showing a file tab named accreditation.


CDC frequently plays a vital role in these explorations by leading the efforts, drawing on subject matter expertise from across CDC, or supporting PHAB in convening topic-specific think tanks and expert panels. In many cases, these efforts have informed updates to the national standards or resulted in resources summarizing the key linkages.


CDC articles and resources highlighting these connections include the following:

Environmental Health and Accreditation
Three commentaries summarize activities to explore and enhance the key linkages between accreditation and environmental health:

  1. Connecting Environmental Public Health with the Revised 10 Essential Public Health Services (April 2023)
  2. Public Health Department Accreditation and Environmental Public Health: A Decade of Collaboration (February 2020)
  3. Public Health Department Accreditation and Environmental Public Health: A Logical Collaboration (October 2011)
  4. Public Health Department Accreditation and Environmental Public Health Publications