Fiscal Year 2022 Funding Allocations

What to know

The FY22 Allocation by Recipient Table below shows total funds allocated to each PHHS Block Grant recipient. The table lists all 61 eligible recipients: 50 states, the District of Columbia, 2 American Indian tribes, 5 US territories, and 3 freely associated states.

Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant slide

FY22 Allocations Summary

The annual amount allocated to each jurisdiction is based on the program funding formula. The total award for each recipient jurisdiction is the sum of their annual basic plus sexual offense set-aside allocations. See footnote below.

FY22 Allocation by Recipient

Recipient Annual Basic Sexual Offense Set-Aside Total Award
Alabama $2,350,045 $104,888 $2,454,933
Alaska $521,524 $15,310 $536,834
American Samoa $80,928 $968 $81,896
Arizona $1,704,628 $149,296 $1,853,924
Arkansas $1,316,334 $62,869 $1,379,203
California $9,689,797 $825,408 $10,515,205
Colorado $1,803,140 $120,533 $1,923,673
Connecticut $2,165,767 $75,278 $2,241,045
Delaware $267,001 $20,666 $287,667
District of Columbia $1,193,536 $14,395 $1,207,931
Federated Micronesia $0 $0 $0
Florida $4,185,283 $449,636 $4,634,919
Georgia $4,569,728 $223,624 $4,793,352
Guam $339,666 $3,523 $343,189
Hawaii $1,185,453 $30,381 $1,215,834
Idaho $539,931 $38,394 $578,325
Illinois $3,309,226 $267,477 $3,576,703
Indiana $2,442,856 $141,656 $2,584,512
Iowa $1,630,865 $66,603 $1,697,468
Kansas $1,342,536 $61,332 $1,403,868
Kentucky $1,975,059 $94,065 $2,069,124
Kickapoo Tribe $46,512 $0 $46,512
Louisiana $4,414,635 $97,236 $4,511,871
Maine $1,359,954 $28,441 $1,388,395
Marshall Islands $39,094 $1,646 $40,740
Maryland $2,785,430 $128,957 $2,914,387
Massachusetts $4,056,394 $146,758 $4,203,152
Michigan $5,880,352 $210,376 $6,090,728
Minnesota $3,806,767 $119,130 $3,925,897
Mississippi $2,190,354 $61,820 $2,252,174
Missouri $3,728,194 $128,491 $3,856,685
Montana $1,008,269 $22,635 $1,030,904
N. Mariana Islands $61,049 $1,078 $62,127
Nebraska $2,507,438 $40,949 $2,548,387
Nevada $547,085 $64,813 $611,898
New Hampshire $2,197,457 $28,758 $2,226,215
New Jersey $4,265,589 $193,919 $4,459,508
New Mexico $2,140,813 $44,206 $2,185,019
New York $10,199,415 $421,725 $10,621,140
North Carolina $4,039,687 $217,935 $4,257,622
North Dakota $380,047 $16,265 $396,312
Ohio $6,742,538 $246,328 $6,988,866
Oklahoma $1,362,863 $82,656 $1,445,519
Oregon $1,023,279 $88,458 $1,111,737
Pennsylvania $7,092,819 $271,447 $7,364,266
Puerto Rico $2,334,737 $68,597 $2,403,334
Republic of Palau $32,521 $451 $32,972
Rhode Island $711,184 $22,909 $734,093
Santee Sioux $46,512 $0 $46,512
South Carolina $1,799,497 $106,853 $1,906,350
South Dakota $341,011 $18,510 $359,521
Tennessee $2,367,199 $144,272 $2,511,471
Texas $5,714,849 $608,448 $6,323,297
Utah $1,435,221 $68,299 $1,503,520
Vermont $408,705 $13,425 $422,130
Virgin Islands $268,652 $2,210 $270,862
Virginia $2,969,403 $180,191 $3,149,594
Washington $1,396,337 $160,857 $1,557,194
West Virginia $1,349,223 $37,446 $1,386,669
Wisconsin $2,898,295 $123,038 $3,021,333
Wyoming $340,422 $12,042 $352,464
Totals $138,903,105 $6,997,877 $145,900,982

Annual Basic: The annual amount allocated to each jurisdiction is based on the program funding formula.

Sexual Offense Set-Aside: The annual amount allocated to each recipient from the mandatory $7 million set-aside authorized by legislation to be used only for sexual violence/rape prevention and victim services.

Total award: The total award for each recipient jurisdiction, i.e., the sum of their annual basic plus sexual offense set-aside allocations.

Note: Data presented on this page are self-reported by recipients to CDC via the Block Grant Information System (BGIS). These data represent recipient intentions for expending PHHS Block Grant Program funds as reflected in recipient work plans. Data do not necessarily indicate how funds are spent, nor do they reflect changes in funding allocations submitted to CDC.

  • *One recipient was not awarded funding in FY22 - Federated States of Micronesia.
  • State: Designated jurisdictions from the list of 61 eligible recipients. This includes all 50 states, the District of Columbia, 2 American Indian tribes, 5 US territories, and 3 freely associated states. Annual Basic: The annual amount allocated to each jurisdiction is based on the program funding formula. Sex Offense: The annual amount allocated to each recipient from the $7 million sex offense set-aside. It's authorized by legislation to be used for sex offense prevention and victim services. (Adapted from the PHHS Block Grant Recipient Funding Allocation Key Findings Report) Total award: The total award for each recipient jurisdiction, i.e., the sum of their annual basic plus sex offense allocations.
  • Data presented on this page were self-reported by recipients to CDC. These data represent recipient intentions for expending PHHS Block Grant Program funds as reflected in recipient work plans. Data do not necessarily indicate how funds are spent, nor do they reflect changes in funding allocations submitted to CDC.