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Descriptive Epidemiology of New York City Older Adult Patients With Multiple Chronic Conditions


This UpSet plot displays the top 40 comorbidity profiles among New York City resident patients aged 50 years or older who received care at INSIGHT facilities. Vertical bars represent the burden of the comorbidity profiles corresponding to the matrix column of connected black circles below the main graph. Horizontal bars above the matrix represent the overall burden of the corresponding chronic conditions from the matrix row. There is substantial heterogeneity in chronic condition combinations, with each comorbidity profile representing less than 10% of the total study population. The most prevalent comorbidity profile was the co-occurrence of hypertension and hyperlipidemia (6%), and the second most prevalent profile was the co-occurrence of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes (4%). Abbreviations: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Data source: NYC INSIGHT.

Leading comorbidity profiles among New York City residents aged 50 years or older with multiple chronic conditions receiving care at NYC INSIGHT facilities, September 2019–March 2020.

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