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Physical Activity Types and Programs Recommended by Primary Care Providers Treating Adults With Arthritis, DocStyles 2018


Figure. Physical activity types and programs recommended by primary care providers (N = 1,366) who recommended physical activity to adults with arthritis, DocStyles 2018. For physical activity types, survey participants were asked, “When you talk to your patients with arthritis/rheumatic conditions about physical activity/exercise what type of activity do you recommend? Select all that apply.” For physical activity programs, survey participants were asked, “Have you ever recommended one or more of the following exercise programs to your patients? Select all that apply.” Survey participants were primary care providers who responded “always” or “sometimes” to “When you see patients with arthritis/rheumatic conditions how often do you recommend physical activity/exercise for management of their condition?” Error bars indicate 95% CIs. Abbreviation: AF, Arthritis Foundation.

Physical activity types and programs recommended by primary care providers (N = 1,366) who recommended physical activity to adults with arthritis, DocStyles 2018. For physical activity types, survey participants were asked, “When you talk to your patients with arthritis/rheumatic conditions about physical activity/exercise what type of activity do you recommend? Select all that apply.” For physical activity programs, survey participants were asked, “Have you ever recommended one or more of the following exercise programs to your patients? Select all that apply.” Survey participants were primary care providers who responded “always” or “sometimes” to “When you see patients with arthritis/rheumatic conditions how often do you recommend physical activity/exercise for management of their condition?” Error bars indicate 95% CIs. Abbreviation: AF, Arthritis Foundation.
Physical Activity n % (95% CI)
Types recommended
Walking, swimming, or cycling 1,205 88.2 (86.5−89.9)
Stretching 872 63.8 (61.3−66.4)
Physical therapy 831 60.8 (58.2−63.4)
Balance exercises 611 44.7 (42.1−47.4)
Aerobic exercise classes 517 37.8 (35.3−40.4)
Other 29 2.1 (1.4−2.9)
Arthritis-appropriate programs recommended
None of these 895 65.5 (63.0−68.0)
Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program 246 18.0 (16.0−20.0)
Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program 197 14.4 (12.6−16.3)
Walk With Ease 189 13.8 (12.0−15.7)
Active Living Every Day 173 12.7 (10.9−14.4)
Fit & Strong! 121 8.9 (7.3−10.4)
EnhanceFitness 53 3.9 (2.9−4.9)

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