Global Trends in the Affordability of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, 1990–2016
ORIGINAL RESEARCH — Volume 14 — May 4, 2017
Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries (n = 42): Ukraine, $0.38; Thailand, $0.41; Serbia, $0.43; Malaysia, $0.44; South Africa, $0.47; Iran, Islamic Republic of, $0.48; Bulgaria, $0.49; Pakistan, $0.52; Indonesia, $0.53; Colombia, $0.55; Tunisia, $0.55; Romania, $0.56; Philippines, $0.57; Russian Federation, $0.57; Azerbaijan, $0.57; Bangladesh, $0.60; China, $0.60; Sri Lanka, $0.63; India, $0.64; Egypt, $0.64; Jordan, $0.64; Algeria, $0.67; Viet Nam, $0.68; Brazil, $0.69; Ecuador, $0.70; Morocco, $0.74; Cambodia, $0.75; Turkey, $0.77; Mexico, $0.77; Argentina, $0.77; Guatemala, $0.81; Paraguay, $0.84; Zimbabwe, $1.00; Panama, $1.03; Kenya, $1.03; Uzbekistan, $1.06; Cameroon, $1.07; Cote d’Ivoire, $1.07; Nigeria, $1.38; Venezuela, $1.41; Peru, $1.50; Papua New Guinea, $2.74. High-Income Countries (n = 40): Bahrain, $0.48; Oman, $0.48; Hungary, $0.50; Slovakia, $0.57; Saudi Arabia, $0.71; Spain, $0.71; Canada, $0.75; United Arab Emirates, $0.76; Israel, $0.77; Poland, $0.83; Czech Republic, $0.85; Brunei Darussalam, $0.86; Portugal, $0.86; Iceland, $0.88; Japan, $0.91; New Zealand, $0.92; France, $0.94; United States, $0.96; Greece, $0.96; Singapore, $0.97; Luxemburg, $1.01; Germany, $1.08; Qatar, $1.14; Switzerland, $1.15; Sweden, $1.18; Ireland, $1.20; Italy, $1.20; Netherlands, $1.24; Australia, $1.26; Uruguay, $1.31; United Kingdom, $1.36; Korea, Republic of, $1.38; Belgium, $1.42; Austria, $1.45; Kuwait, $1.45; Denmark, $1.52; Chile, $1.60; Hong Kong, $1.76; Norway, $1.79; Finland, $2.03.
Figure 1. Real price of 1 L of Coca-Cola in 40 high-income and 42 low-income and middle-income countries, in 2010 US dollars, 2016.
Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries (n = 42): Malaysia, $0.51; Romania, $0.66; Argentina, $0.70; Russian Federation, $0.76; Bulgaria, $0.76; Thailand, $0.78; China, $0.79; Panama, $0.84; Turkey, $0.88; Serbia, $0.92; Brazil, $0.95; Mexico, $0.95; Iran, Islamic Republic of, $1.00; South Africa, $1.04; Colombia, $1.06; Ecuador, $1.28; Jordan, $1.38; Tunisia, $1.53; Indonesia, $1.56; Sri Lanka, $1.74; Azerbaijan, $1.75; Egypt, $1.80; Algeria, $1.83; Ukraine, $2.03; Philippines, $2.12; Guatemala, $2.17; Paraguay, $2.29; Morocco, $2.66; Peru, $2.76; Venezuela, $3.35; Viet Nam, $3.40; Pakistan, $3.91; India, $4.10; Bangladesh, $4.53; Nigeria, $5.25; Uzbekistan, $5.37; Cambodia, $6.38; Kenya, $7.43; Cote d’Ivoire, $8.37; Cameroon, $9.19; Papua New Guinea, $10.26; Zimbabwe, $11.24. High-Income Countries (n = 40): Luxemburg, $0.11; Switzerland, $0.16; Iceland, $0.18; United States, $0.18; Canada, $0.20; Singapore, $0.20; Ireland, $0.20; Qatar, $0.21; United Arab Emirates, $0.22; Bahrain, $0.22; Israel, $0.24; Sweden, $0.25; Australia, $0.27; France, $0.27; New Zealand, $0.27; Norway, $0.28; Japan, $0.28; Germany, $0.29; Spain, $0.29; Netherlands, $0.31; Denmark, $0.32; Oman, $0.34; United Kingdom, $0.36; Austria, $0.36; Brunei Darussalam, $0.37; Belgium, $0.38; Slovakia, $0.38; Saudi Arabia, $0.39; Hungary, $0.43; Italy, $0.44; Hong Kong, $0.45; Portugal, $0.49; Czech Republic, $0.52; Finland, $0.52; Korea, Republic of, $0.57; Greece, $0.59; Kuwait, $0.60; Poland, $0.74; Uruguay, $0.99; Chile, $1.32.
Figure 2. Relative-income price of 100 L of Coca-Cola in 40 high-income and 42 low-income and middle-income countries, 2016. Units are percentage of annual per capita gross domestic product (GDP) to purchase 100 L of Coca-Cola.
Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries (n = 42): Serbia, −$6.84; Thailand, −$6.04; Viet Nam, −$5.38; China, −$5.08; Russian Federation, −$4.71; Algeria, −$4.71; Ukraine, −$4.61; Pakistan, −$3.84; Colombia, −$3.20; Malaysia, −$3.02; South Africa, −$3.02; Kenya, −2.84; Indonesia, −2.66; Bangladesh, −2.36; India, −2.27; Philippines, −2.08; Tunisia, −2.06; Egypt, −2.04; Turkey, −1.81; Cote d’Ivoire, −1.69; Jordan, −1.36; Paraguay, −1.16; Argentina, −1.08; Ecuador, −$0.97; Cameroon, −$0.85; Cambodia, −$0.61; Morocco, −$0.40; Bulgaria, −$0.40; Brazil, −$0.38; Azerbaijan, −$0.17; Venezuela, −$0.16; Zimbabwe, −$0.08; Guatemala, $0.06; Peru, $0.26; Mexico, $0.38; Panama, $0.38; Romania, $0.47; Papua New Guinea, $0.75; Sri Lanka, $1.10; Nigeria, $4.20; Iran, Islamic Republic of, $4.48; Uzbekistan, $5.31. High-Income Countries (n = 40): Iceland, −$6.50; Japan, −$4.39; Bahrain, −$4.16; Sweden, −$3.55; Slovakia, −$3.44; Canada, −$2.19; Spain, −$2.14; Israel, −$1.57; Portugal, −$1.45; Hungary, −$1.17; United Arab Emirates, −$1.09; Saudi Arabia, −$0.85; Uruguay, −$0.78; Norway, −$0.74; France, −$0.66; Switzerland, −$0.56; Austria, −$0.42; Ireland, −$0.32; Germany, −$0.32; Denmark, −$0.24; United States, −$0.20; Luxemburg, −$0.16; Poland, −$0.15; Greece, −$0.03; Oman, $0.13; New Zealand, $0.14; Singapore, $0.24; Italy, $0.31; Belgium, $0.32; Netherlands, $0.44; Czech Republic, $0.46; Finland, $0.47; United Kingdom, $0.52; Qatar, $0.73; Kuwait, $0.84; Australia, $1.10; Hong Kong, $1.17; Korea, Republic of, $1.28; Brunei Darussalam, $1.72; Chile, $3.61.
Figure 3. Average annual percentage change in real prices of sugar-sweetened beverages in 40 high-income and 42 low-income and middle-income countries from 1990 to 2016. /p>
Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries (n = 42): China, −$15.85; Azerbaijan, −$14.63; Viet Nam, −$13.84; Russian Federation, −$12.57; Ukraine, −$10.92; Algeria, −$9.18; Thailand, −$8.68; Romania, −$8.57; Cambodia, −$8.16; India, −$7.24; Indonesia, −$7.06; Serbia, −$6.75; Colombia, −$6.54; Bulgaria, −$6.46; Egypt, −$5.86; Malaysia, −$5.79; Kenya, −$5.63; Pakistan, −$5.63; Bangladesh, −$5.46; Uzbekistan, −$5.24; Ecuador, −$5.13; Jordan, −$4.91; Turkey, −$4.83; Sri Lanka, −$4.72; Philippines, −$4.66; South Africa, −$4.23; Panama, −$3.89; Peru, −$3.72; Tunisia, −$3.68; Brazil, −$3.56; Guatemala, −$3.49; Paraguay, −$3.24; Iran, Islamic Republic of , −$2.88; Morocco, −$2.31; Nigeria, −$1.92; Cote d’Ivoire, −$1.65; Mexico, −$1.28; Argentina, −$1.23; Cameroon, −$1.07; Venezuela, −$0.86; Papua New Guinea, $0.40; Zimbabwe, $1.26. High-Income Countries (n = 40): Iceland, −$.18; Slovakia, −$7.06; Poland, −$6.35; Bahrain, −$5.77; Hungary, −$5.44; Oman, −$4.59; Sweden, −$4.46; Ireland, −$4.33; Qatar, −$4.19; Canada, −$4.14; Spain, −$4.06; Norway, −$3.87; Saudi Arabia, −$3.74; Uruguay, −$3.59; Czech Republic, −$3.30; Portugal, −$3.28; Israel, −$3.22; Japan, −$2.80; Luxemburg, −$2.79; New Zealand, −$2.59; Greece, −$2.59; Singapore, −$2.55; Australia, −$2.13; Kuwait, −$1.73; Korea, Republic of, −$1.70; Switzerland, −$1.65; Austria, −$1.31; Denmark, −$1.30; United States, −$1.26; France, −$0.97; Finland, −$0.92; Netherlands, −$0.87; United Arab Emirates, −$0.84; Chile, −$0.83; Germany, −$0.66; Belgium, −$0.62; United Kingdom, −$0.56; Brunei Darussalam, −$0.41; Italy, −$0.35; Hong Kong, $0.17.
Figure 4. Average annual percentage change in relative-income price of sugar-sweetened beverages in 40 high-income and 42 low-income and middle-income countries from 1990 to 2016.
Figure 5. Decomposition of effects of income and price of sugar-sweetened beverages in 40 high-income and 42 low-income and middle-income countries from 1990 to 2016. Units are average annual percentage change.
Country | Price, US Dollars | Income, US Dollars |
Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries (n = 42) | ||
China | −5.08 | −10.77 |
Azerbaijan | −0.17 | −14.46 |
Viet Nam | −5.38 | −8.46 |
Russian Federation | −4.71 | −7.86 |
Ukraine | −4.61 | −6.31 |
Algeria | −4.71 | −4.48 |
Thailand | −6.04 | −2.63 |
Romania | 0.47 | −9.03 |
Cambodia | −0.61 | −7.54 |
India | −2.27 | −4.97 |
Indonesia | −2.66 | −4.41 |
Serbia | −6.84 | 0.09 |
Colombia | −3.20 | −3.34 |
Bulgaria | −0.40 | −6.06 |
Egypt | −2.04 | −3.82 |
Malaysia | −3.02 | −2.77 |
Kenya | −2.84 | −2.79 |
Pakistan | −3.84 | −1.79 |
Bangladesh | −2.36 | −3.10 |
Uzbekistan | 5.31 | −10.55 |
Ecuador | −0.97 | −4.16 |
Jordan | −1.36 | −3.55 |
Turkey | −1.81 | −3.02 |
Sri Lanka | 1.10 | −5.82 |
Philippines | −2.08 | −2.57 |
South Africa | −3.02 | −1.21 |
Panama | 0.38 | −4.27 |
Peru | 0.26 | −3.98 |
Tunisia | −2.06 | −1.63 |
Brazil | −0.38 | −3.19 |
Guatemala | 0.06 | −3.55 |
Paraguay | −1.16 | −2.08 |
Iran, Islamic Republic of | 4.48 | −7.36 |
Morocco | −0.40 | −1.91 |
Nigeria | 4.20 | −6.12 |
Cote d’Ivoire | −1.69 | 0.04 |
Mexico | 0.38 | −1.66 |
Argentina | −1.08 | −0.15 |
Cameroon | −0.85 | −0.22 |
Venezuela | −0.16 | −0.69 |
Papua New Guinea | 0.75 | −0.35 |
Zimbabwe | −0.08 | 1.34 |
High-Income Countries (n = 40) | ||
Iceland | −6.50 | −0.68 |
Slovakia | −3.44 | −3.62 |
Poland | −0.15 | −6.20 |
Bahrain | −4.16 | −1.62 |
Hungary | −1.17 | −4.27 |
Oman | 0.13 | −4.72 |
Sweden | −3.55 | −0.92 |
Ireland | −0.32 | −4.00 |
Qatar | 0.73 | −4.92 |
Canada | −2.19 | −1.95 |
Spain | −2.14 | −1.92 |
Norway | −0.74 | −3.13 |
Saudi Arabia | −0.85 | −2.89 |
Uruguay | −0.78 | −2.81 |
Czech Republic | 0.46 | −3.75 |
Portugal | −1.45 | −1.83 |
Israel | −1.57 | −1.65 |
Japan | −4.39 | 1.59 |
Luxemburg | −0.16 | −2.63 |
New Zealand | 0.14 | −2.73 |
Greece | −0.03 | −2.55 |
Singapore | 0.24 | −2.80 |
Australia | 1.10 | −3.23 |
Kuwait | 0.84 | −2.57 |
Korea, Republic of | 1.28 | −2.98 |
Switzerland | −0.56 | −1.08 |
Austria | −0.42 | −0.89 |
Denmark | −0.24 | −1.07 |
United States | −0.20 | −1.06 |
France | −0.66 | −0.31 |
Finland | 0.47 | −1.39 |
Netherlands | 0.44 | −1.31 |
United Arab Emirates | −1.09 | 0.25 |
Chile | 3.61 | −4.44 |
Germany | −0.32 | −0.34 |
Belgium | 0.32 | −0.94 |
United Kingdom | 0.52 | −1.08 |
Brunei Darussalam | 1.72 | −2.13 |
Italy | 0.31 | −0.65 |
Hong Kong | 1.17 | −1.00 |
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.