Mining Publication: Effect of Three-Winding Transformer Models on the Analysis and Protection of Mine Power Systems

Original creation date: May 1999

Authors: MP Oommen, JL Kohler

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - May 1999

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20023222

IEEE Trans Ind Appl, 35(3), 1999 May; :670-674

Computer-aided loadflow and fault analyses of mine power systems are routinely conducted to ascertain system performance and also to provide information to assist in the protection and coordination of these systems. Three-winding transformers are frequently encountered in mining applications, typically at continuous miner and longwall sections where there exists a need for dual utilization voltages. These transformers are often modeled as a three-bus system neglecting the secondary to tertiary winding impedance and the effect of base changes. This paper analyzes the impact of more accurate transformer models on voltages and fault currents which are realized from loadflow and fault studies of mine power systems.

Image of publication Effect of Three-Winding Transformer Models on the Analysis and Protection of Mine Power Systems
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - May 1999

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20023222

IEEE Trans Ind Appl, 35(3), 1999 May; :670-674

Page last reviewed: September 21, 2012
Page last updated: September 21, 2012