Mining Publication: Theoretical Noise and Propagation Models for Through-the-earth Communication

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Original creation date: September 1982

Authors: DA Hill, JR Wait

Contract/MOA Report - September 1982

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10003392

National Telecommunications & Information Admin., Institute for Telecommunication Sciences U.S. Bureau of Mines contract No. J0113058. NTIS: PB84-166628, 1982; Sept :52 pages

A survey of the literature on ELF and VLF atmospheric noise has been made. Most measurements have concentrated on the vertical electric field and the horizontal magnetic field rather than the vertical magnetic field which is of interest in transmission between horizontal loops. The limited vertical magnetic field data indicates that the vertical component is generally 10 to 20 dB below the horizontal component. Three laterally inhomogeneous earth models have been analyzed for conversion of horizontal to vertical magnetic field. The rough surface model examines surface effects, the inhomogeneous thin sheet model treat volume effects, and the buried cylinder model treats localized man-made effects. All three models predict the possibility of significant conversion from horizontal to vertical magnetic field. A thin sheet model has also been used to examine transmission from a buried magnetic dipole source. It found that the predicted fields more nearly model the measured data than does the homogeneous half-space model.

Image of publication Theoretical Noise and Propagation Models for Through-the-earth Communication
Contract/MOA Report - September 1982

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10003392

National Telecommunications & Information Admin., Institute for Telecommunication Sciences U.S. Bureau of Mines contract No. J0113058. NTIS: PB84-166628, 1982; Sept :52 pages

Page last reviewed: September 21, 2012
Page last updated: September 21, 2012