Mining Publication: Leveraging IIoT to Improve Machine Safety in the Mining Industry

Original creation date: August 2019

Authors: M McNinch, D Parks, R Jacksha, A Miller

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - August 2019

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20056088

Min Metall Explor 2019 Aug; 36(4):675-681

Each year, hundreds of mine workers are involved in machinery-related accidents. Many of these accidents involve inadequate or improper use of lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedures. To mitigate the occurrence of these accidents, new safety methods are needed to monitor access to hazardous areas around operating machinery, improve documentation/monitoring of maintenance that requires shutdown of the machinery, and prevent unexpected startup or movement during machine maintenance activities. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is currently researching the application of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to provide intelligent machine monitoring as part of a comprehensive LOTO program. This paper introduces NIOSH’s two phase implementation of an IoT-based intelligent machine monitoring system. Phase one is the installation of a proof-of-concept system at a concrete batch plant, while phase two involves scaling up the system to include additional sensors, more detailed safety/performance metrics, proximity detection, and predictive failure analysis.

First page of Leveraging IIoT to Improve Machine Safety in the Mining Industry
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - August 2019

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20056088

Min Metall Explor 2019 Aug; 36(4):675-681

Page last reviewed: March 2, 2022
Page last updated: March 2, 2022