Mining Publication: Diesel and Welding Aerosols in an Underground Mine

Original creation date: July 2020

Authors: A Bugarski, T Barone, J Hummer

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - July 2020

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20060273

Int J Min Sci Technol 2020 Jul; 30(4):449-454

Researchers from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducted a study in an isolated zone of an underground mine to characterize aerosols generated by: (1) a diesel-powered personnel carrier vehicle operated over a simulated light-duty cycle and (2) the simulated repair of existing equipment using manual metal arc welding (MMAW). Both the diesel-powered vehicle and MMAW process contributed to concentrations of nano and ultrafine aerosols in the mine air. The welding process also contributed to aerosols with electrical mobility and aerodynamic mobility count median diameters of approximately 140 and 480 nm, respectively. The welding particles collected on the filters contained carbon, iron, manganese, calcium, and aluminum.

First page of Diesel and Welding Aerosols in an Underground Mine
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - July 2020

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20060273

Int J Min Sci Technol 2020 Jul; 30(4):449-454

Page last reviewed: April 20, 2021
Page last updated: April 20, 2021