Mining Publication: Investigating the Impact of Caving on Longwall Mine Ventilation Using Scaled Physical Modeling

Original creation date: April 2019

Authors: V Gangrade, S Schatzel, S Harteis, J Addis

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - June 2019

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20055593

Min Metall Explor 2019

In longwall mining, ventilation is considered one of the more effective means for controlling gases and dust. In order to study longwall ventilation in a controlled environment, researchers built a unique physical model called the Longwall Instrumented Aerodynamic Model (LIAM) in a laboratory at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Pittsburgh Mining Research Division (PMRD) campus. LIAM is a 1:30 scale physical model geometrically designed to simulate a single longwall panel with a three-entry headgate and tailgate configuration, along with three back bleeder entries. It consists of a two-part heterogeneous gob that simulates a less compacted unconsolidated zone and more compacted consolidated zone. It has a footprint of 8.94 m (29 ft.) by 4.88 m (16 ft.), with a simulated face length of 220 m (720 ft.) in full scale. LIAM is built with critical details of the face, gob, and mining machinery. It is instrumented with pressure gauges, flow anemometers, temperature probes, a fan, and a data acquisition system. Scaling relationships are derived on the basis of Reynolds and Richardson numbers to preserve the physical and dynamic similitude. This paper discusses the findings from a study conducted in the LIAM to investigate the gob-face interaction, airflow patterns within the gob, and airflow dynamics on the face for varying roof caving characteristics. Results are discussed to show the impact of caving behind the shields on longwall ventilation.

First page of Investigating the Impact of Caving on Longwall Mine Ventilation Using Scaled Physical Modeling
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - June 2019

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20055593

Min Metall Explor 2019

Page last reviewed: July 15, 2019
Page last updated: July 15, 2019