Mining Publication: Performance Evaluation of a Dust-Dispersion Model for Haul Trucks

Original creation date: January 2003

Authors: WR Reed

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - January 2003

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20028295

Trans Soc Min Metall Explor 2004 Jan; 316:163-170

A computer model named the "Dynamic Component Program" (DCP) was specifically designed for predicting the dispersion of dust from haul trucks at surface mines. Validation of the DCP was completed by comparing its results with the results of the ISC3 model and with actual dust measurements taken from two operating mine sites. Comparisons of the field measurements, predictions of the ISC3 model and the predictions of the DCP demonstrate that the results from the DCP represent, on average, an 85% improvement over the ISC3 dust dispersion model results.

Image of publication Performance Evaluation of a Dust-Dispersion Model for Haul Trucks
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - January 2003

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20028295

Trans Soc Min Metall Explor 2004 Jan; 316:163-170

Page last reviewed: September 21, 2012
Page last updated: September 21, 2012