Mining Publication: CFD modelling of sampling locations for early detection of spontaneous combustion in long-wall gob areas

Original creation date: January 2012

Authors: L Yuan, AC Smith

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - January 2012

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20041387

Int J Min Miner Eng 2012 Jan; 4(1):50-62

In this study, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling was conducted to optimise gas sampling locations for the early detection of spontaneous heating in longwall gob areas. Initial simulations were carried out to predict carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations at various regulators in the gob using a bleeder ventilation system. Measured CO concentration values at these regulators were then used to calibrate the CFD model. The calibrated CFD model was used to simulate CO concentrations at eight sampling locations in the gob using a bleederless ventilation system to determine the optimal sampling locations for early detection of spontaneous combustion.

Cover Sheet of publication
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - January 2012

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20041387

Int J Min Miner Eng 2012 Jan; 4(1):50-62

Page last reviewed: June 24, 2016
Page last updated: November 14, 2012