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New Directions At NIOSH

Withdrawn August 2024
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 95-111
cover of 95-111

This report provided an overview of the work of NIOSH, explored the challenges faced by the agency, and outlined new research priorities. The vision statement of the agency itself stressed the striving toward safety and health at work for all people which will be achieved through research and prevention. Main aspects of the activities of NIOSH were considered, including surveillance, laboratory research, field research, recommendations for other government agencies, training, and services. New priorities at NIOSH included surveillance to identify the occurrence of injury and disease; work organization studies to develop new ways of performing old tasks and reduce worker risks; control technology research as a form of intervention research seeking to prevent work related diseases and injuries; and health services research. New research in the new Health Effects Laboratory Division will develop and expand NIOSH capabilities with activities in the areas of pathology and physiology, toxicology and molecular biology, exposure assessment, engineering and control technology, biostatistics, health communication research, and expansion of safety research.


List of Revisions
Revision Date Revisions Citation of Revision
1995 (Original)
August, 2024 Document withdrawn