Many Voices, One Vision

At a glance

Newborn Screening is a vital public health program that identifies conditions that can affect a child's long-term health or survival. Early detection, diagnosis, and intervention can prevent death or disability and enable children to reach their full potential. The following personal stories are a snapshot of how Newborn Screening can affect the entire trajectory of a family’s future.

Three Babies playing

Families speak out

"I remember hearing about Newborn Screening, but I doesn't apply to me." What is the importance and benefit of Newborn screening? Families weigh in on this important topic.

Tara's story

"Newborn Screening has changed my life." A family's journey with a galactosemia diagnosis.

Chadd's story

"If I had to describe Newborn Screening in one word, it would be: blessing." A family's journey with a sickle cell anemia diagnosis.

Liz's story

"I'm very grateful for the system." A family's journey with a rare disease diagnosis.

Michelle's story

"Newborn Screening needs to be a topic that is normalized." A family's experience with infant hearing screening.

Susan's story

"Newborn Screening saved my daughter's life." A family's experience with maple syrup urine disease.

Lesa's story

"Newborn Screening would have completely changed the trajectory of my family's life...but it didn't." One family's advocacy, born of tragedy.