Adolescent Health NEEMA Publications

At a glance

School Health supported projects contributed to multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals that cover costs of diseases, morbidity and mortality projections, cost-effective interventions, population program impact, and optimized resource allocation.

Published papers

Ferstad JO, Aslam M, Wang LY, Henaghan K, Zhao J, Li J, Salomon JA. State-level population estimates of sexual minority adolescents in the United States: A predictive modeling study. PLoS One. 2024;19(6):e0304175. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0304175

Goodreau, S. M., Pollock, E. D., Wang, L. Y., Li, J., Aslam, M. V., Katz, D. A., Hamilton, D. T., & Rosenberg, E. S. (2022). Declines in pregnancies among US adolescents from 2007 to 2017: behavioral contributors to the trend. Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, S1083-3188(22)00254-6.

Katz DA, Hamilton DT, Rosenthal EM, Wang LY, Dunville RL, Aslam M, Barrios LC, Zlotorzynska M, Sanchez TH, Sullivan PS, Rosenberg ES, Goodreau SM. Effects of condom use on HIV transmission among adolescent sexual minority males in the United States: a mixed epidemiology and epidemic modeling study. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2021 Jun 3.

Hamilton DT, Rosenberg ES, Sullivan PS, Wang LY, Dunville RL, Barrios LC, Aslam M, Mustanski B, Goodreau SM. Modeling the Impact of PrEP Programs for Adolescent Sexual Minority Males Based on Empirical Estimates for the PrEP Continuum of Care. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2021 Mar;68(3):488-496.

Goodreau SM, Pollock ED, Wang LY, Aslam MV, Barrios LC, Dunville RL, Rosenthal EM, Hamilton DT, Katz DA, Rosenberg ES. Impacts of changing sexual behavior on chlamydia and gonorrhea burden among US high school students, 2007-2017. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2021 Jan 26.

Goodreau SM, Pollock ED, Wang LY, Barrios LC, Dunville RL, Aslam MV, Katz DA, Hart-Malloy R, Rosenthal EM, Trigg M, Fields M, Hamilton DT, Rosenberg ES. Predicting the impact of sexual behavior change on adolescent STI in the US and New York State: a case study of the teen-SPARC tool. Annals of Epidemiology. 2020 Jul;47:13-18.

Rönn MM, Dunville R, Wang LY, Bellerose M, Malyuta Y, Menzies NA, Aslam M, Lewis F, Walker-Baban C, Asbel L, Parchem S, Masinter L, Perez E, Gift TL, Hsu K, Barrios LC, Salomon JA. Mathematical modeling study of school-based chlamydia screening: potential impact on chlamydia prevalence in intervention schools and surrounding communities. BMC Public Health. 2020 Sep 5;20(1):1363.

Hamilton DT, Rosenberg ES, Jenness SM, Sullivan PS, Wang LY, Dunville RL, Barrios LC, Aslam M, Goodreau SM. Modeling the Joint Effects of Adolescent and Adult PrEP for Sexual Minority Males in the United States. PloS one. 2019 May 22;14(5):e0217315.

Hamilton, D. T., Goodreau, S. M., Jenness, S. M., Sullivan, P. S., Wang, L. I., Dunville, R. L., Barrios, L. C., Rosenberg, E. S. Potential Impact of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Black and White Adolescent Sexual Minority Males, American Journal of Public Health 2018 Nov;108(S4):S284-91. Accessed 11/7/2018.

Mirzazadeh A, Biggs A, Viitanen A, Horvath H, Wang L, Dunville R, Barrios LC, Kahn JG, Marseille E. Do School-Based Programs Prevent HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Prevention Science. 2018 May 1;19(4):490-506.

Marseille E, Mirzazadeh A, Biggs MA, Miller AP, Horvath H, Lightfoot M, Malekinejad M, Kahn JG. Effectiveness of School-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs in the USA: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Prevention Science. 2018 Jan 27:1-22. Accessed 2/9/2018.

Goodreau SM, Hamilton DT, Jenness SM, Sullivan PS, Kearns RA, Wang LY, Dunville RL, Barrios LC, Rosenberg, ES. Targeting Human Immunodeficiency Virus Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to Adolescent Sexual Minority Males in Higher Prevalence Areas of the United States: A Modeling Study. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2017 December 13. Accessed 1/24/2018.

Neilan A, Dunville R, Ocfemia MC, Salomon J, Francke J, Wang LY, Bulteel A, Hsu K, DiNenno E, Parker R, Walensky R. Screening Adolescents and Young Adults for HIV in the United States: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2017 Feb 1;60(2):S18.

Sharma A, Wang LY, Dunville R, Valencia RK, Rosenberg ES, Sullivan PS. HIV and Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing Behavior Among Adolescent Sexual Minority Males: Analysis of Pooled Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data, 2005–2013. LGBT Health. 2017.